How was your sugars controlled after surgery. Have been on insulin for about 5 years

   — Josephine (Jody S. (posted on April 14, 2001)

April 13, 2001
Jody, I "had" Type II diabetes for 5 years before my lap RNY. I was taking Glucophage and Diabeta, and had taken Rezulin for awhile. My CBGs still were consistently in the mid-200's and my PCP was concerned that I would soon need insulin. The day after my surgery, I asked my surgeon when I would need to restart my diabetic medications, and he simply smiled and responded that he didn't believe I would need those anymore. I have to admit that I was an "unbeliever" and went home checking my CBGs four times a my amazement, they were never over 110, and I never had to take my medication again. I am 13 months post-op...130 lbs. lighter...and my last blood sugar (for my routine labs at one year post-op) was 86. I would never say that everyone has this experience, but it does seem to be a consistent experience for many Type II diabetics following WLS. I wish you the same great experience!
   — Diana T.

April 14, 2001
Hi, Jody! I have (had?)type II diabetes for about three years before my surgery and had been on insulin for all that time. It was not immediate, but about two months after my surgery, I was able to stop taking insulin. I've been on two oral meds (Glucophage and Avandia) and I am now down to only one. My doctor believes that eventually I will need NO diabetes medications at all! Hooray! I think most people do have this experience, not all, but most. Hope you are one of them. Good luck! Maria
   — Maria H.

January 31, 2002
For 15 years I had diabetes, sugar usually range from 150-300 mg daily. After surgery, insulin level slowly started to decrease, it has been 11 months now, and I am no longer on insulin, however, now my sugar ranges from 55-100. Basically, it always under 100 mg. Praise God! No much injections.
   — LaVerne C.

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