Can I still have the surgery if I'm HIV-positive?

I am HIV-positive, but extremely healthy in that regard thanks to medication. In fact, my blood counts are equal to that of a "normal" person. At this point, my weight is causing many more health problems than the HIV. Has anyone ever heard of an HIV-positive person getting WLS?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 19, 2001)

February 19, 2001
I would consult a bariatric surgeon for the answer to this question. There is the issue of risk of exposure for the surgical team for what may be considered an elective surgical procedure. I am not sure what the latest hospital protocol on this issue is. There is the likely possibility (no long term studies have shown anything other than a delay in developing AIDS due to the current antivirals) that you develop AIDS and develop the usual associated digestive difficulties that lead to extreme weight loss. Having this surgery may put you at risk should that happen and you would be too immune compromised to risk having a reversal. You may fall into the same category as a friend of mine who recently underwent chemo for breast cancer. She was told that she would have to be cancer free for 5 years, otherwise the risk involved with a potentially compromised immune system was too great. Good Luck to you...
   — merri B.

March 19, 2001
There are many laws to help you if you need them.....Federal laws have you covered and all doctors look at EVERYONE as having HIV cause they never know, so every surgeon takes complete precautions no matter what your case my be. weigh the pros and cons and talk it over with the surgeon.
   — heather C.

October 7, 2001
I too am HIV+, I had the VBG preformed a little over a month ago. My doctor and I decided that that would be the only option for me. The RNY may interfere with absorbtion of medications, and cannot be reversed IF it needed to be. As far as my doctor or I know, I am the only HIV+ patient he has preformed this surgery on. Good luck, one warning, surgery can cause your CD4 count to lower and your VRL to increase. Also, I'm not sure how I will get all the meds down (and keep them down) when I need to take them again. I took them before the surgery to decrease the risk to the surgeon.
   — [Anonymous]

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