Odd period and possible pregnancy

   — Jennifer L. (posted on April 7, 2004)

April 7, 2004
Don't feel silly about having concerns. It is your body and you know when something doesn't feel right. I know that when I start taking the pill after being off of it (preop) that my first period or two would never be "normal". To settle your own mind I would take another test at home. If it comes back negative I would say you are fine and maybe need to give it one more month or try a different pill.
   — Jacinda J.

April 8, 2004
I think any of these could be the culprit. Our bodies change alot, just over the years, and this surgery has just added to that change. I'm one of the people who always had problem with the pill. I spotted like that whenever I was on it. Could be that it's affecting you differently now than before. Could be that their pregnancy test wasn't sensitive enough, but it seems less likely. Definitely go in for a pap smear, and do whatever else you have to do to get to the bottom of it. NO concern about your body is unwarranted, and no one should make you feel silly about it, insurance or no! You know your body best, and this is not normal. At the very least, it's a hassle. Hope you find out something soon!
   — christied

April 9, 2004
My period has been all crazy since I had WLS. Before that, I was always regular...on and off the pill. My period now has no rhyme or reason to it. It's possible if it's too early to tell that you could be PG, but you can also "not feel right" simply because of the iregularity. I never spotted with either of my pgs (one before and one after WLS). I am starting OrthoEvra (the patch) this week in hopes that it will regulate me. I wouldn't get too upset though because the major weight loss can really screw up the menstrual cycle. And DON'T feel silly about your concerns. They are certainly valid!! Good luck!
   — emilyfink

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