Feeling lousy four months post op?

Never did I think I would be having so much trouble with my GI tract post surgery as either I hadn't paid attention or there wasn't much info. I posted about two months ago about severe constipation and was "normal" for a month or so. For the last 10 days or so, I have been plagued with diarrhea and cramps. Additionally, I have virtually NO appetite and really nothing tastes good. More than one or two bites of any kind of meat nauseates me. For breakfast I am having one protein shake. Lunch today was three small bites of tuna fish. Dinner was three small bites of salmon. I'll have another protein shake. My surgeon said I could take some Imodium but that doesn't seem to do much. Has anyone else gone through a "spell" like this? I don't feel sick but I really don't like food at all. I wasn't like this last month. I am discouraged - can anyone relate and offer some encouragement? Thanks.    — Nancy H. (posted on September 2, 2003)

September 2, 2003
Been there, done that... you are not alone! I went through this stage two separate times... one at six months out and one at 14 months out. I discovered both times that I was getting more fat in my diet than I realized. Double check what you are putting in for high amounts of fat -- also, watch out for the fish... too much is not good for you, it does contain mercury! Mercury can cause these symptoms as well as too much fat. One of the things that got me through was focusing more on protein-enriched foods instead of meats -- Like, adding protein powder to my scrambled eggs or protein powder to pudding... look at my second profile for some good food ideas that might appeal to you, okay? Email me if I can be of further help! :~) Hugs! sharon (Just remember: THIS TOO SHALL PASS!)
   — Sharon m. B.

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