Why am I so short of breath??

I am almost 2 weeks post-op, I get short of breath after walking a short distance to the point of having to sit down to catch my breath. Everything thing eles is doing great and other than the short of breath thing I fell fine. Any Ideas of what could cause this????    — E R. (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
How long/far do you walk??Walking too fast and for too long can sure cause this, especially as you are only two weeks out! I couldn't walk outside my house when I was just two weeks out!! There are a myrid of other possibilities, too, but perhaps you should slow your walking down... if that doesn't help, cut some time/distance out. If you are still having problems after that, be SURE you go to your doctor asap! It could even be allergies... I know in MI, cottonwood pollen and mold is REALLY bad this year!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 18, 2003
You are newly post op. Maybe you are overdoing it. However, you should mention it to your doctor. Did you have Open or lap surgery? Lap people bounce back SO much more quickly than we open people. Open RNY 10/30/02 down 160 lbs.
   — Ginger M.

June 18, 2003
Shortness of breath is a RED FLAG! You could have pneumonia or a clot, please get this checked out ASAP!
   — ZZ S.

June 18, 2003
I'd give your surgeon a call. Anything to do with the lungs postop makes me nervous and is worth a call in my opinion.
   — bethybb

June 18, 2003
Don't wait! My Mom had shortness of breath after a cross country train ride. It turned out to be a blood clot(s) in the lung(s). She could have died. Also, possibly your blood count could be down dangerous low. It could be anything. I certainly would'nt wait. Actually, knowing how serious anything to do with breathing can be, I'd get my butt in gear and go to the ER stat.
   — Danmark

June 18, 2003
When I was two weeks out I, too, had SOB even when I talked. You need to call your surgeon NOW! I had pneumonia! It was not fun and definately set back my recovery. The sooner you get checked the sooner you'll be back on track. It could also be something else that needs immediate attention.
   — adeas

June 19, 2003
I'm 2 weeks post op as well and have been short of breath. I have been VERY active since I was released from the hosptial. So I contribute my shortness from that and the SMOG (I live in Southern California). I'm feeling better each day..I hope you are as wishes..aims
   — chickiewickie

June 20, 2003
Just to let everyone know the reason for my SOB is that I have Anemia. Some extra Iron and a month or so and I should be up to par.
   — E R.

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