I know it's probably a little early to be having a panic attack, but...

how soon after surgery is the first weight loss normally seen? I'm not even a week post-op but I gained 4 pounds while I was in the hospital!! I'm probably being silly and, in retrospect, it will seem so, but right now, it's just down-right depressing.    — cherryswitch (posted on April 12, 2003)

April 12, 2003
I gained 7 lbs in the hospital after my surgery. I am now almost 14 weeks out and had endoscopy and dilation last week and received a lot of fluids (I had a reaction to the procedure) and gained 4 in there in one morning. You'd think that I would be okay knowing that it comes right off but I had a depressed reaction as well. I know it's tough to listen to but it's normal and you will suddenly see a woosh of the fluid weight go off and then you will suddenly be losing steadily. Hang in there and stay off the scale for a few days. Congrats on your surgery.
   — susanje

April 12, 2003
You gained the four pounds because of the IV fluids you got in the hospital - don't panic. I lost a lot rather quickly but I didn't weigh until 12 days post-op when I had my staples removed.
   — Patty_Butler

April 12, 2003
keep off the scale!! you have had major surgery and your bod needs to heal..some water retention is normal, so relax! keep to your diet, do your activity as advised by your dr. follow dr's orders and the weight will come off...the numbers will go in the right direction!! i only go on the scale in the md's office! (i am - appx 70 lbs at this point) i am eager to see my #'s but i will style changes all around!! no longer a victim of the scale..people comment and when shopping i am from a size 26 to an 18 in less then 4 months!! good luck
   — nan K.

April 12, 2003
I gained 14 pounds in the hospital which was gone plus another 12 onw week later. It is totally the iv fluids! I agree that the scale can be your enemy. You will lose weight! I have found that at three months out no matter what I do I cannot eat more than 900 calories in a day (that is a day when I feel like I am eating constantly all day!) and I am usually between 600-750 calories and have lost weight very steadily! Don't worry. Also don't be surprised if somewhere around week 3 or 4 you have a mini plateau and don't lose for a week or so. It is really normal and does not mean a thing!
   — Carol S.

April 13, 2003
Cool! Thanks guys, for your informative posts. I feel a lot better now. I'm glad I didn't have that panic attack or else I'd feel like an ass right about now. lol. Thanks again!
   — cherryswitch

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