After an open surgery how long does it take before your stomach can move normally?

I am 11 days post-op open VBG and am wondering when I can move normally again. When can I twist around without thinking about it or bend over to the ground or stand up completely straight or sleep in my bed or heck even wipe my own butt the same way I did before!?! I'm basically jsut wondering when the soreness goes away.... can anyone share their healing time?    — LaKeAffy (posted on June 21, 2002)

June 21, 2002
I felt a whole lot better at the two week mark but I didn't feel normal yet. I started feeling human again at around 4 weeks and by 6 weeks I felt 99% healed with just a slight tenderness in my stomach. I didn't start to feel better until I started walking. for the 1st 2 weeks I just would do laps around the house. then I started walking my dogs around the block and that really helped. 4 weeks I joined a gym and strarted walking on the treadmill and doing lite weights just with my arms and legs. Hang in there it will get better.three and a half months post-op down 78lbs
   — Alison N.

June 21, 2002
I had open RNY on 4/5/02 and gallbladder removal (lap) on 5/14/02. After about week 1, I was able to start taking care of my own personal hygeine, but everyone is built differently. I'm 11 weeks post-op now, and I STILL have some abdominal pain near the upper part of my incision and to the left, especially when I do too much, like work out in the yard. It's been a long road for me, and I hope you start feeling better much sooner than I did. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Christine L.

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