What kind of scar do you have after a tummy tuck?

I had been told that a tummy tuck would remove the scasrs from surgery along with stretch marks from pregnancy. The only scar you are left with is at the bikini line and covered up with underwear. Now I have been hearing that they cut you from the breastbone down as well. I am confused.    — Linda A. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
I had a very extensive tummy tuck with hernia repair, w/breast lift and augmentation 2 weeks ago. My surgeon told me that most of the time, the tummy tuck he does on bariatric patients involvues just the horizontal incision which goes from hip to hip. He usually doesn't do the vertical incision (from pubic bone to breast bone) along with it, because bariatric patients tend to have problems with the blood supply in the abdominal skin, and there is a higher risk for fat necropsy, wound seperation, etc. So, not everyone who has a tummy tuck with have the same type of incision! I do have the "anchor" type incision (both the horizontal and vertical) b/c my doctor felt that the blood supply in the area was adequate - and so far, so good! But a good friend who had a tummy tuck done by the same plastic surgeon has just the horizontal hip-to-hip incision. I had a c-section 15 years ago, and the scar from that is totally gone, as is my scar from the weight loss surgery (and most of my stretch marks!) I found a great resource of information at the following site: - best of luck to you!
   — Lisa P.

June 6, 2002
Hi. I have the same anchor incision as you. Instead of a plastic surgeon, I went with my Bariatric Surgeon. My stretch marks from pregnancy are mostly gone. He went in the same incision that were already there from wls and my bikini scar was already there. It is great having the stretch marks gone :-) By the Internist told me if I put zincoxide ointment (sp?) on my incisions, it will be a very soft, smooth scar. Because my last surgery was 6 weeks ago, I feel free with the zinc now & it really is helping!
   — Barbara B.

June 6, 2002
I just had a tummy tuck and hernia repair six weeks ago and I was cut vertical and hortizonal. I believe I was cut like that because I had to have a hernia repair. But my scar looks better now than it did with the baractics surgery.
   — Sharon T.

June 6, 2002
My TT was 2 months ago. I have the hip to hip, bikini line scar. It IS completely covered by bikini underwear, but I still have my rny scar. In fact, my rny scar is now longer than it was before. Originally, it stopped just below & to the side of my belly button, now it continues straight down thru my belly button to the TT scar line at the pubic area. The TT will remove any scars or stretch marks that are on the section of skin that is removed. In my case, the stretch marks I had up high on my torso are now down low on my abdomen--it's funny, I had a few moles just a ways under my breasts that are now at about my belly button level. My PS said he makes the bikin incision, loosens the torso skin from the underlying tissues, then pulls that skin down to the incision & cuts off all the excess skin in between. At this point, my incision is still red & fairly thick, but I can see improvement coming along nicely now. I asked my PS about lotions & oils & he said they may soften the skin, but wouldn't really lessen or improve the scar. I still am using some oils because I like the way it feels & just in case....... :)
   — Kathy W.

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