Calorad? Has anyone used it post op for protein - 26 g/tablespoon?

I was speaking with a naturopath yesterday who suggested to me using Calorad which is used to help reduce weight. But to use it as a protein source. You take 1 Tablespoon once or twice a day and each is 26 g of Protein. Anyone know anything about this. Ironically I have some in my fridge from pre-op but want to get some thoughts on it. Thanks.    — AJC750 (posted on May 2, 2002)

May 2, 2002
Maybe I am a little slow or something.. but what is this stuff? Thanks
   — Allie A.

May 2, 2002
I too would like to know what it is. Also how it tastes, and how expensive? :)
   — Danmark

May 2, 2002
I checked in my closet with the old diet supplies and i have some Calorad in there... my bottle says 1 tbls is 4 grams of protein and 14 calories... Did they suggest a different kind or something> I would love to know!
   — J. T.

May 2, 2002
I checked my bottle from pre-op too, only says 4 grams protein, is there something new out by them? I am searching high and low for a protein I can stand! Please keep us posted!
   — Terri B.

May 2, 2002
I checked a website for Calorad 2000 at and it stated that each Tablespoon has Energy - 12 calories Total fat - 0g Sodium - 0 mg Total carbohydrate - 0g Protein - 3g Hope this helps!
   — Laura J.

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