I am 9 days from surgery and have sinus drainage & sore throat! Help!

I am peaceful about the RNY on 4/2 but now I've developed a sore throat and sinuses seem full. PCP is away. ANything I can do to avert this NOW so surgery won't be cancelled then? Help!    — AJC750 (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 23, 2002
There are several over the counter saline solutions available that will help to open up your sinuses to drain. Do you have an allergy specialist you can call and talk to the nurses line to ask for some suggestions? My asthma/allergy specialist has me on Zyrtec(pill form) and Flonase(noise spray) and they do help a lot.
   — gwendolyn M.

March 24, 2002
IF you are truly miserable and dont want to consult with your local pharmacist about otc preparations for sinus drainage, sore throats and allergy relief, I suggest you call the pcp.. who is away, and talk to whomever is taking the calls for them.. or either go to the urgent care in your area for some medical advice.. I hope you feel better soon.. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

March 24, 2002
Until you can be see by your PCP, try Sudafed Non-Drying Sinus capsules, also use AYR Saline Nasal Mist and a humidifier or vaporizer. Trust me on this one, I've had sinus surgery 3 times in 10 years! Since I use this approach at the first sign of trouble, I have been "blockage free" for 4 years. However, the sore throat may be something more if it doesn't clear up in a couple of days. Also remember to drink plenty of fluids! Take care, Anna
   — Anna L.

March 24, 2002
Hey Andrea, I found myself with the EXACT same symptoms just about the same time pre-op as you! LOL!! I swear even though I too, felt very peaceful, I guess some part of me WAS worried - I swear it was stress-induced because I NEVER get sinus infections!! I panicked and called my pcp and he saw me right away and prescribed antibiotics for me to clear it up right away (I think it was the beginnings of a sinus infection!) I think I finished all but my last pill or two by my surgery date! Blessings on your journey to the other side!!!!! =),
   — ChristiMNB

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