The psychologist was very concerned because I eat a lot of sweets

I eat out of boredom. She wants to see me again to make sure I have cut down on sweets and that I have found something to keep me busy when I am bored. Could her report to the insurance comapny cause me to be denied for surgery?    — Molly H. (posted on February 24, 2002)

February 24, 2002
I am wondering if anyone who has gone through this life altering surgery, who obviously has tried all else and failed, who probably ate sweets day and night and more than likely didn't do it out of hunger, I wonder if they were also eating because of boredom? My point are NOT ALONE!!! Of course you eat alot of sweets. You have a food addiction and that is why you are going through all this to begin with! I wonder if that psychiatrist is knowledgeable about WLS and the reasons for a person absolutely needing it in the first place! I am disturbed by the fact that she wants to see you again to make sure you are cutting back on your sweets. Goodness, if it was so easy for you then you wouldn't have gone to see the Dr. in the first place! First, don't go crazy or beat yourself up, I would look for another therapist who understands WLS and the fact that it is emotional eating that got us here in the first place. From what I understand, a psych. visit pr-op is to make sure that you are prepared emotionally for the after effects of having this surgery. You won't be able to physically eat sweets the way you do now afterwards, and they should be counseling you about that, not putting this pressure on you now in order for you to have the surgery! Maybe it's me, but this doesn't make sense. When you do go back, if you do, then ask if this will affect you getting approved. I can't imagine it will, I mean by now the insurance companies have to have an idea that it is people who eat too much, by no fault of their own,(because of course morbid obesity is a disease and nobody would want to be that way!)that NEED to have the surgery. Anyway, find out more and move forward, be your own advocate and don't put this added pressure on yourself! Best of luck to you on your journey for a new and healthy life...
   — Vicki K.

February 24, 2002
Jeepers. Before surgery, I would've eaten everything in the room, including the psychologist! When will "they" learn that if we could've changed on our own, we would have done it already. Grrrr!
   — Nancy G.

February 24, 2002
Is this therapist someone your ins recommended? You might ask your surgeon's office if they have one they use. I could go to anyone but the surgeon did have a therapist used to dealing with pre-wls patients. As for boredom eating, well duh lol, most of us don't get 100 lbs overweight or more because of true hunger... Her idea of looking for another hobby isn't a bad one though, coupled with the wls. I also find, personally, as I lose more weight I feel more energetic, less wanting to sit around eating more wanting to up and doing. Good luck
   — Becky K.

February 24, 2002
The surgery would help the sweet eating, especially if you're going to have the RNY. Most all of us are sweet eaters -- I certainly wouldn't think you'd be denied for that reason. And she wants you to come back just to see if you've been doing something else other than eating sweets when you're bored? sounds like she'd drumming up business to me.
   — [Anonymous]

February 24, 2002
My Dr has his patients prove they can follow the aftercare diet by keeping a journal for 6 weeks and a goal of weight to lose. He does this so that you understand what you will have to live with forever and can complie without doing something dangerous that can injure your pouch. I also was addicted to sweets and pepsi but since the surgery I don't have a taste for them. I have tested it and don't seem to dump but they just don't taste as good anymore. I hope that lasts.
   — Candace F.

February 24, 2002
My insurance has you jump through all kinds of hoops...including going to the psyche evail. with the dr. the surgeon wants. I wasn't asked anything about my eating habits (I'm going for a revision from a VBG with an oversized pouch to a RNY)...all she did was have me fill out 4 different questionaire 'quizzes' and asked me about my childhood...then shot me down!! She wants me to have 6 months of therapy, and a another evaluation with her!! The worst part about it is, YES we all have some sort of 'disorder'...I USED to be a complusive, I eat like a toddler, and have gained back almost half the weight I'd lost (over 12 years)I have a screwed up metabolism, and want it 'fixed' by getting the surgery I should have had over a decade ago!...and this woman, after only meeting with me once can literally control MY destiny!! Spooky, huh?
   — saxon1014

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