Has anyone had an incision infection & their Dr. refused to give an antibiotic?

I had a lap RNY on May 25,1001. Thirty six hours later I neded to have another open surgery for an intestinal leak and peritonitis. One week after coming home from the hospital, I started a wound infection. My surgeon opened it and drained it and I have had a nurse daily. I was on an antibiotic at first and the wound seemed to be healing and when I finished the medicine the wound got much worse. It has been a roller coaster ride and I have asked the doctor several times for another antibiotic, he says that it won't help!! I am a diabetic and last night my wound drained worse than ever before and my whole suture line is hard and swollen which probably means that there is a huge absess again! I am trying to get a hold of the doctor again, and I want some ammunition to convince him that I need an antibiotic, especially that I have diabetes. Can anyone help, I am getting very discouraged and don't know when this infection will ever end! Thanks    — Vicki K. (posted on July 15, 2001)

July 15, 2001
Vicki, I am still pre-op but noticed you haven't got a reply yet. My thoughts are that your doctor probably has his reasons for not prescribing more antibiotics. If it were me and I was very worried I would call him TODAY, tell his answering service to have him call ASAP. Then, tell him to explain in terms you can understand, exactly what his reasons are. If you still do not feel comfortable with his explanation, I would seek another opinion. Try calling one of those 24hr nurse lines many ins. co. have available or talk with your pharmicist. Nurses and pharmacist go thru lots of med traning also (just aren't allowed to do the same procedures as docs and surgeons) Maybe they can tell you what step to take next. You might even want to go to the ER, or make an appt with another doc for a 2nd opinion. I hopes this helps. Take care of yourself and I pray you get better very soon.
   — Cathy D.

July 15, 2001
Demand that a culture be taken to see what antibiotic will respond best to the type of infection.. Settle for nothing less!!!
   — Victoria B.

July 15, 2001
I do not buy his answer. We have very strong oral antibiotics and when they fail we use IV antibiotics. I have never, in 13 years of practice management, seen a incision/wound infection that could not be treated with antibiotic. You must insist on another antibiotic course or demand a second opinion. Without treatment you could have many continued complications.
   — Shannon S.

July 15, 2001
As you know, the fact that you have diabetes makes you more vulnerable f your sugars are still elevated. If the whole incision line is red, firm and swollen, especially if you can feel hardness or see redness around your incison beyond a half inch or so, or there is a lump, or streakt red lines going away from the wound, I don't think I'd wait to see another MD. That can take weeks. If your current one won't ease your fears or do more, and these other things have developed, go to the ER. Take your temp, too--if it's elevated--esp. over 100.5, go to the ER. That's my humble opinion. I am a nurse and just had an abcess elsewhere in my body that spread amazingly fast. It's nothing to panic about, but also nothing to ignore. Best wishes, Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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