Has anyone ever experienced this sensation?

HOW IRONIC!!! I finally become brave enough to confront my weight issue with WLS (May 18, Dr. Felix, Fresno) and I've been experiencing an odd discomfort in my left abdominal area right under my ribs. Sometimes I get a weird light bubbly feeling sometimes a jumpy feeling in that area. I had some blood work done yesterday, no results yet, an ultrasound Friday. As if I'm not scared to death enough with the impending surgery I'm now litterally PANIC STRICKEN. The doc gave me ativan, doesn't seem to do much though for my nerves. What if they find something bad!!!?????? I'm so freaked out, any advice for me? Thanks bunches!    — Linda H. (posted on May 2, 2001)

May 2, 2001
Breathe! It sounds easy enough but hard to remember when we are frightened. I do not know what your syptoms mean but how wonderful that you were already moving toward a healthier life. Don't let the "what if's " get you. If you find out you have a problem take it one step at a time. You Dr. will help you work through it. If you need help find a therapist to help you deal with the emotional aspects. A good therapist could also help you learn some relaxation techniques and also help you develop additional coping skills ,building on the ones you already have. In the mean time remember to breathe.
   — [Anonymous]

May 2, 2001
I agree, breathing deeply and slowly is important. I had my first ever panic/anxiety attack 2 days after surgery in the hospital. I was soooooooo afraid the pain was going to get worse instead of better. (I'm a BIG BABY when it comes to pain!!!) They also gave me ativan after I told them I was really scared and then began breating too fast which in turn made my asthma act up. But someone sitting beside me, patting me on the shoulder, talking to me for a few minutes, calming me down and telling me it would be ok worked wonders, probably better than the medicine. Here's a big HUG to you (((((((((Linda)))))))))) and I'm also sending some calm thoughts and prayers your way! Good luck with your tests and anxiety!!
   — Anika R.

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