Just want to know can I eat beef jerky?

Hello friends, Ok I really need to know can I eat home made beef jerky???? I sure hope the answer is yes, because I cant stop...My brother has a dehyedrating machine and he always make his own jerky he gave me some and I cant get enough. I dont get sick, it stays down and chew, chew, chew very well. He told be he uses lean hamberger meat to make this along with other spices. But I just want to make sure it want hurt me in loseing weight by eating so much. I can set and eat 3-4 pieces whichs is approx 3" long without any problems. I am 3 months out from surgery and down 65 lbs. Please be honest because if I am eating way to much I would rather know now and not later. Thanks Jay Biller    — jay B. (posted on April 23, 2001)

April 23, 2001
hi jay...i eat it from time to time and it stays down well...and it has a lot of protein...i dont eat it a lot cause i dont make my own and a small portion is kind of expensive. i don't think it is a bad choice...just remember everything in moderation!!!!!
   — Kathy831

April 23, 2001
I live on the stuff! Excellent source of protein! Congratulations on your 65 pound loss!!!!!! heidi
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 23, 2001
Jerky is one of my favorite snack items. It's really high in protein & you HAVE to chew it really well in order to even swallow it! When I do get a gristly piece that won't break down enough, I spit it out & get another piece! I've never had any problems with it at all. One year post & 172# gone forever; it didn't hinder my loss!
   — Kathy W.

April 23, 2001
I keep my golf bag full of it and have it while I'm playing golf not a Hotdog at the turn Go to Trader Nicks much cheaper and try the Turkey you'll be impressed. I do think you need to be careful of the sodium. Mike
   — Mike H.

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