What is the reason for the B-12 shots?

Today my doctor started me on the B-12 shots and he told me once but now I can't recall what the reason behind it is. He said that I only have to get it once a month or I can self inject myself. I was just curious if anyone could answer this question for me. Thanks.    — Jennifer G. (posted on March 9, 2001)

March 8, 2001
The reason for the B-12 shots is because if you are an RNY patient, the portion of your intestines that absorbs B-12 was bypassed so you no longer process any B-12 in foods that you take or vitamin pills. Some people use sublingual (under the tongue) B-12 as that is another way we can absorb. My B-12 fell to almost nothing about 6 weeks ago. My level was 65 when people normally have a range of 300 or above. I was feeling horrible, couldn't get up without feeling like I was gonna pass out, couldn't remember things and couldn't complete sentences at times. I now give myself the shots and although I'm sure it will take a while to get levels back up to "normal" range I already feel a lot better. It is nothing to play around with! Hope this helps.
   — Kellye C.

March 9, 2001
There are 8 elements that are vastly diminished after RNY or other WLS. They will all have to be supplemented eventually, but B12 is the one that most doctors check right away. The sublinguals will help hold your levels up for awhile, but ultimately, we pretty much all need shots. It took me 6 years to drop to levels low enough to require the shots, but I was watching all along.
   — vitalady

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