Will the "no sugar added" be OK?

I bought Dole no sugar added popsicles for post-op. Do they contain too much sugar,will they make me go into "dumping?" Also, how about no sugar added applesauce? What is the best amount of sugar grams in 1 item to keep from dumping? My WLS is friday I'm so excited!    — Suzanne W. (posted on September 26, 2000)

September 26, 2000
Suzanne, I purchased the Dole "No Sugar Added" juice bars for my husband right after he came home from the hospital. He ate one about 5 ot 6 days post-op and experienced his only bout of dumping. The dietician said that it was too soon ater his surgery that they would be alright later and they are. He and I both eat them occasionally now. He is over 3 months post-op and I am 6 weeks behind him from our Open RNY.
   — livnliter

September 26, 2000
I am 2 weeks post op and I had the no sugar added applesauce both in the hospital and when I got home. It went down real easy, tasted good and did not cause any dumping. I even mixed it with some cream of wheat cereal to add some flavor.
   — MaryAnn J.

September 26, 2000
I haven't dumped yet and I keep sugar content down to no more than 3g a serving of anything because I don't want to dump. I don't know if I would or not but I'm not willing to find out until I'm about 3 months, I'm going to stay with the SUGAR FREE period. Each person is different though as is each surgery and it is just something you have to try if you are willing and see what happens. I listed below a list of "hidden sugar" that everyone should look for on the label of anything and everything that says "sugar free" // "no sugar added" because these are sugar too and in some people can cause dumping. Sucrose Glucose Dextrose Fructose High Fructose Corn Syrup Honey Molasses I hope this helps. ~deniseTX
   — blank first name B.

September 27, 2000
I eat the Dole no-sugar popsicles and they seem fine, no dumping. The same with the applesauce-no dumping with that. It is my experience that I can have 7-10 grams of sugar at one session and not get dumping. You'll probably find yourself being fine with small amounts of sugar. Fructose is a naturally occuring sugar in juices and fruit. I eat raspberries and bananas almost everyday and never get dumping. It will be some trial and error on your part but I wouldn't be shy to experiment.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 27, 2000
I have no problems with the Dole juice pops, no sugar added. I had RNY surgery.
   — Cindy H.

September 27, 2000
Hi! I use the Dole No Sugar Popcicles and I experience "NO" dumping, I also eat the no sugar Applesauce (MOTTS make a good one) and I am fine.
   — Jeanine F.

April 8, 2001
I have probably lived off of Good Humor no sugar fudgecicles since surgery 2 months ago. It is my favorite treat and I have never had a dumping incident from it. Susan G.
   — susan R.

August 22, 2001
I recently had lap rny on august 06 01 By week two i had a dole sugar free pop and it was like pure heaven! Everybody is different but, DOLE SUGAR FREE POPCICLES ROCK!
   — yuppieharley

August 25, 2001
Blue Bunny makes sugar free creamsicles and fudge-sicles that are out of this world... I'm only 19 days (26 lbs!!!) postop but they are great! I will say that I can only eat about 1/3 of one at at time! Good luck!
   — Beth H.

August 25, 2001
Ok what is wrong with me at 10 days post that I can eat a whole one of the Blue Bunny creamsicles??
   — [Anonymous]

August 24, 2002
Popsicle brand fudgesicles, NO SUGAR ADDED are outrageous. They taste exactly like the real thing and I never feel sick. I,ve tried several NO SUGAR ADDED products and some are much better than others, never have gotten sick from them. You have to experiment.
   — Paula B.

August 24, 2002
I do not have dumping if the sugar grams are 20g or under. I have really enjoyed Skinny Cow Fudge Bars....they have a website that can help you locate them. They are fabulous!They are lowfat ice creams (not extremely low sugar though). I also tried a child's size scoop of Baskin Robbins no sugar added (7g per serving) and I only ate 1/3 of it...I found it too sweet! Hope this helps.
   — missmollyk

November 11, 2002
Edys makes a no sugar added, all fruit frozen pop (various flavors)that is delicious. Only 30 calories & 2 grams sugar! A life saver in those first weeks,,,
   — Lori B.

October 24, 2004
Try TROPICANA REAL FRUIT ,NO SUGAR ADDED,tastes so good and is made with splenda, only 10 calories for popsicle.
   — Carmen M.

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