How to tell when you have had enough?

I had open RNY on 1-25-00 and have lost 45 #s and feel great. Full of energy, but finally started adding some real food back to my diet. On Wednesday i had a very small piece of cheese, within 2 minutes I got sick and it came back up. Yesterday I tried some boiled skinless potatoes. I chewed it til it was liquid, but they also made me sick. i only had 3 small pieces, but wonder if it was to much. i have a micro pouch and need to know how I know when i have had too much or any other reason I have been getting sick....My protein drink, soup and pouched eggs go down fine...Thanks!!    — Judy C. (posted on March 24, 2000)

March 23, 2000
Congratulations on your surgery! Isn't it wonderful having that behind you now? My suggestion to you would be to start out taking just 1 bite of food. It sounds like you're chewing correctly. Does 1 bite stay down? How about applesauce? Can you keep that down? If you keep vomiting, talk to your surgeon. Good luck! Jaye Carl, RN, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, 96 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

March 23, 2000
Hi Judy, Maybe your tummy just isn't ready for "solid" soft foods yet and that's its way of telling you so. If the vomiting continues I would definitely consult my surgeon, as there my be a stenosis somewhere (narrowing of the opening). Good Luck, Marni
   — Marni

March 24, 2000
Judy, I had surgery {open rny) on 1-11-00 and have lost 50#. My Dr. requires that we stay on soft food the first 4 wks. Cheese and yogurt, refried beans,and eggs were my primary protein foods. At six weeks I started eating deli meats and gradually went to regular meat. Chewed very well, and eaten slowly. I know when I've had enough, as I get a "full feeling" in my tummy that kind of goes to my chest. It's almost as if I could'nt eat more even if I wanted to. I have never experienced dumping, and eveeerything I've eaten seems to agree with me. Soup, Salads, meat, vegies ect.. I try to stay away from carbohydrates, as they feel me up to fast, with no protein value. I was told I have a 2oz. stomach {4 Tbsp.} which will eventually stretch to 6-8 oz. So If I'm eating much more than 6Tbs {10 wks out} I know it's too much. I seem to be able to eat more, depending on the texture. Good luck! Dani
   — Dani J.

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