Has anyone who is post op had a change in how their food tastes?

I am 6 weeks post-op and am on a regular low fat diet but nothing seems to taste good to me anymore. Are there any suggestions. I like chicken breast, fish, turkey, vegetables and fruit but the meats are so bland sometimes that I don't even want to eat all I want to do is drink fluids, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.    — Kristen C. (posted on June 27, 1999)

June 27, 1999
I couldn't stand coffee for about 6 months and I loved coffee. Now i drink it again, Yes your tastes change some food just doesn't taste the same- but nothing I really miss.
   — Beth R.

June 27, 1999
Kristen, I am 9 weeks post-op (have lost 51 lbs!!!!) and have noticed that my tastes have changed too. My Dr. has kept me on a soft food diet, only soups, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. I cannot wait until 7/7 when I should be allowed to begin regular food. I have found that even water tastes different to me. I think sometimes our own bodies know what they need. So just go with your appetite/likes & dislikes right now. Be sure that your liquids are nutritious. I'll bet your taste buds will come around very soon. Good luck & God bless!
   — Lisa B.

June 27, 1999
Bravo! Stay with the fluids! They're worth much more to you at this point! I think they changed very pizza sauce recipe on earth the day of my surgery. Pizza: yuck, ptui! But devilled eggs, ahhhh, they taste better than a chocolate creme once did! I used to LOVE potatoes & pasta. They're OK now. They'll do. YES, tastes change. And following your latest craving may not ALWAYS be valid. Be sure you get your labs done per your docotr and CHECK your shortages. Don't just eat a Milky Way 3 times per day because you crave one! That's yoru body trying to "normalize" itself!
   — vitalady

June 27, 1999
Yes! I have expierienced the same thing! And even being 6 months post op it is still that way for me! I would much rather have the fluids than to eat sometimes! Although I dont do meat veggies and fruits taste very bland! But it is all worth me anyways! :)
   — Heidi K.

June 27, 1999
I have found that I am losing my taste for carbs (except Nacho cheese Doritos). I no longer want much in the way of carbs. I made spagetti and just eat the meat and sauce and skip the noodles. Just don't crave them anymore. I wanted bread with my egg in the morning, but now I usually don't even think about it. I do crave meat now, but I flavor with greek seasoning (lots of garlic) and I tolerate the spices just fine. I find the meat very tasty. I don't have any desire whatsoever, for soda. I bought sugar free soda right after the surgery and would let it get flat overnight in the fridge but now I crave water.. hate the taste of the soda. I have no sugar cravings anymore. I just look at danish pastry like its from outer space. I was putting nutrasweet in applesauce right after surgery, now the applesauce alone is pretty sweet.
   — Deborah L.

June 13, 2000
I'm 8 weeks post-op and I suddenly can't eat cottage cheese. As soon as it hits the outer tip of my tongue, it tastes like battery acid! That's the only way I can describe it...very weird. My taste buds are really acting up. Vicki Johnson
   — Victoria J.

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