Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get my daily amount of protein?

I don't like the promod powder because it tastes bad and I don't think I can drink that much milk. I am looking for foods that I can eat that have high protein but low fat.    — Kristen C. (posted on May 30, 1999)

May 30, 1999
Fish, if you can have solid foods. 4 ounces of fish has 22 grams of protein and no fat. I grill it and then add a little cream of chicken soup. Tuna fish has about 18 grams of protein per 2 ounce serving. Stays in my stomach for a long time though.
   — Deborah L.

May 30, 1999
Have you tried any GOOD proteins? WE carry aboutu 50 flavors that all have WAY more protein, WAY less sugar and calories and taste way WAY better than ProMod! Perhaps I can guide you to your local store to find a palatable one?
   — vitalady

May 30, 1999
First, what level of food are you on? If it is regular food, I suggest tuna fish. One small can (flip top) is worth 22 grams of protein. If you don't want to cook fresh fish- Gordan fillets are wonderful each piece is 16-18 grams of protein. Any baked fish or chicken will supply your allotment of protein. I was told to have 63 grams of protein a day. If I choose not to have my shakes the tuna fish or Gordans does it for me. Also, small entries on the inexpensive frozen foods carry good protein- for example the meat dishes and noodles. Just read the back of the package. Even a baked potato with melted cheese is good. GOOD HEALTH. Sheila
   — Sheila W.

May 30, 1999
My Dr. doesn't wqnt up to use milk. I am starting my 3rd month since surgery. I first used NRG and mixed it with juice but the taste was intolerable so I switched to Designer and mixed it with water. The taste was great but it caused severe dirrhea so I switched again to pro-blend 55, this stuff tastes ok but my gut likes it a lot. I also mix this with water. I am going to try some juices with the vanilla when it comes in. There are a lot of different powders on the market, you should try different ones.
   — Anna D.

May 30, 1999
I use amino fuel from Gnc it has 15gr protien/3T 104 cal.I have had a VBG so I don't know how this does for other procedures or what one you have had. Lana
   — Lana U.

May 30, 1999
You should get your protein from supplements available at health food stores; these do not have milk products or sugar which are known saboteurs as far as weight loss goes. The protein powder I use is Designer, available in choc, strawberry, natural and vanilla; it is palatable and mixes easily w/ water, however some folks have problems such as diarrhea on it. Other powders are NRG and ProBlend 55/ Anna Decker, above, goes into more detail about those preparations. For RNY the desired protein replacement is 60Gms working up to 120Gms / day, for life! By maintaining adequate protein daily you will have more energy and avoid hair loss, muscle wasting and other problems common w/ WLS. You just have to try different brands until you hit on one which suits you.
   — Judith M.

June 7, 1999
Try your local health food store. They even make protein PILLS (the protein is from egg albumin). Also, try sugar-free gelatin. Gelatin is a protein source. That's one reason why hospitals serve it with nearly every meal . . .
   — Sharon E.

June 14, 1999
I recommend NutriSOY's Essential Protein. It can be found in pharmacies, hospitals, and health food stores. It is an excellent source of protein. It is a tasteless powder that can be mixed with juice or milk as well as applesauce. It contains high protein, fiber, potassium, and is all natural soy with no added ingredients. It contains 91% protein calories and 6% carbohydrate calories. For more information contact me at 1-888-769-0769 for more information or check out our web site at
   — Kiersten S.

June 17, 1999
Here's 2 ways I get more protien: 1. Try crab meat or imitation crab. I'm not sure how much protein is in each oz but these are MUCH easier to tolerate than other meats. 2. I also eat protein bars. Be choosy, pick on with at least 10 g protein (some have as high as 30 g) and watch the fat content. It can be hard to eat a whole one but I wrap up what's left & save it for later.
   — Edna H.

June 20, 1999
The best thing to eat for a quick easy lunch is the Starkist Tuna Lunch Kits. They are easy, cheap, travel well, no refrigderation, selfcontained, come with low-cal mayonnaise, and best of all they have 20 grams of protein, only 210 calories, and that is if you eat all the crackers and everything included with it. I have never been able to eat all of it. They are great.
   — Donna D.

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