Just starting my journey, fear and Concerns?

I am starting my journey..I am 33 weigh 335 and am 5'4.I have had 3 c sections and I am terrified of this surgery.I am wanting to have the lap ryn.How bad is this surgery.Has anyone else out here had c sections and then had this surgery?I need alot of support...hoping to hear from you soon    — Bamma_Gurl (posted on August 2, 2005)

August 2, 2005
I have not had any C sections, and the experience with surgery is different for everybody, but I can tell you how it was for me. For the first couple of days I was in no pain, due to the cool push-button pain thinguie :-) And then, I had very minor discomfort. Healing after lap is so much quicker than with an open surgery! Good luck to you!!! Angie
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 2, 2005
Since I have no children, I have never had a C section. However, I do have a friend who had a previous C section and then had a successful lap rny. As the last poster said, it is different for everyone, but I can tell you my experience. About three months before my lap rny, I had an umbilical hernia repair. The incision for that wsa only about two inches long, but when they told me to put on my clothes to go home, I thought I'd pass out when I tried to stand up. I was uncomfortable afterwards for awhile and couldn't sleep for quite awhile. I took my prescription pain meds after that surgery. In fact, it made me consider how much I really wanted the rny. But luckiy, my brother had it before me and told me it is so worth it. So I went ahead with my rny. The day of my surgery I was still loopy, but they got me up to walk that night. It wasn't that bad. Then the next day they took away the morphine pain pump. I took liquid roxicet once, and that was it. By the time I came home from the hospital, I was done with pain meds and walking around quite well. It wsa so worth it for me. I, too, am 5'4" and was over 300 pounds. In about 8 months I lost over half of my body weight. I got down to 149 pounds. It has been over a year and my weight remains around 150 pounds. I was in a size 28 before surgery, and it was tight even. I now have things in my closet that are a size 4. I even have a sweatshirt that is a boys' size XL, and a top from the little girls' department that says MaryKate & Ashley. It was cute, on sale, and I figured who is going to see the tag anyway? It is so wonderful to be able to shop anywhere. I recently bought a few dresses on sale for $4 each. I now go to the gym every day and do 10 miles on my mountain bike. I have so much more energy. I am a full-time college student, maintaining a 4.0, and work part-time. I am finally living my dream. I now have the confidence to do whatever I want to do. This surgery has changed my life in so many ways that I am amazed. When I walk past a mirror, I still wonder who it is I am looking at because I have been so heavy for so long that it truly amazes me. I feel so much better and am off all of my pre-op meds. I even made it through spring with no allergy meds. Last year I was on three of them. This has been, by far, the wisest decision that i have ever made. The best thing you can do is to research this surgery intensely and make sure that you go with a good, experienced, well-qualified surgeon, should you decide to do it. My surgeon was wonderful. I love him for the change he made in my life. This was what I needed to jump-start me into becoming active and thinking about whether the food I put into my body is a wise choice. You do have to be willing to hold up your end of the bargain by changing your lifestyle and following doctor's orders. But the reward is so worth it. Good luck in arriving at a decion and best wishes for health and happiness always.
   — Donna F.

August 2, 2005
I have had 1 c section. I had lap rny with no complications. Where they went in was no where near my c section scar. Actually, my c section was a lot worst off than this. I have 5 small incisions that is slowly going away. My surgery was feb 2005. Good luck to you.
   — lucyd2

August 2, 2005
I had 3 C-sections and an abdominal hysterectomy (All 4 times my incision was horizontal, above my pubic area.) I had a lap RNY in 2003 and did great. I am over 2 years post op and you basically can't see my lap scars because they are so small now. Good luck on your journey.
   — Sharon T.

August 2, 2005

   — aprilbaree

August 3, 2005
Don't worry Heather! My lap RNY was a trip to the spa compared to my c-section & VBAC! I'd do it again in a heartbeat! In April of 2003 I was a 39 yo mother of 3 girls ages 17, 6, & 3. I was/am 5'8" & weighed 295.5. I lost a total of 155 pounds & have since then regained about 15. I just started working out last week after a year of little exercise. I still feel great & fully expect to drop the 15 pounds. As far as the surgery went I had very little pain, and I am someone w/ a very LOW tolerance to pain. The worst part was when the nurse pulled out the drain. I went home the next day. I had my mom fly out to help w/ the kids & was embarassed because I didn't really need her. What was key for me was a good attitude going in & my trust in God! Blessings Heather! You'll be fine!
   — fowlerloriann

August 3, 2005
I had three C-Sections, gallbladder removed and Open RNY. I believe the RNY was the most difficult to recover from but it could have been because I had it at 47 years of age, and my C-sections were in my 30's with the last being 39. But that said the recovery was not exceptionally difficult with occasional pain medication. I think with the c-sections your mind is diverted to caring for the baby and the RNY is pretty much focused on you. Good luck it is a journey very much worthwhile, just like having the kids.
   — jeriksson

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