Will lifting cause a hernia?

I'm five 1/2 months post-op and my sister-in-law wants me to help her move this weekend (she's nine months pregnant so I'll be doing the majority of the lifting). Will lifting at this stage increase my risk of developing a hernia?    — Alesia W. (posted on April 23, 2005)

April 23, 2005
At such an early stage you are at a risk for a hernia.My surgeon told me not to lift anything more than 10 pounds for 6-8 months. I got a hernia at 7 months out.
   — Tammy N.

April 23, 2005
I had a hernia repair with the lapband in August. I have 2 small children (2 & 3 1/2) and i just went for my follow-up and my heria that was repaired with now back. I wouyldnt do any heavy lifting at all. and wear a support belt area your waist if your planing on lifting anything
   — traceybubbles

April 23, 2005
If you are 1/2 month post-op you should not be helping anyone move at all. It is way too strenuous. Yes it could cause a hernia if you do lifting. I would imagine at this point you would have a 10lb weight lifting restriction. Tell her your surgeon said no way can you help someone move this soon after surgery. Good luck!
   — catleth

April 24, 2005
I guess everyone here will have different answers for you. My surgeon told me not to lift anything over 20 pounds for 8 weeks after surgery. After that I did lift heavier things and so far (over 2 years post-op) I'm still going strong! So I think what is best here is to go with your gut instinct. Don't push it more than your body tells you it can handle!
   — Carole M.

April 24, 2005
I will just tell you MY experience. I was 8 months post-op, picked up a SMALL air compressor (hubbys X-Mas gift), and in return, got a HUGE hernia. I am now 2 years post-op, and I STILL wont pick up ANYTHING heavy. My husband fusses at me just for using the floor vac. I suggest you ge VERY careful, and if you can get out of it, DO SO! By the way, "MY" hernia surgery was WAY worse than WLS.
   — Donna A.

April 24, 2005
did you have open or lap? i had open and at 13 months out i discovered a bulge above my naval, if you had lap your not likely to get a hearnia. check with your doc. but i wouldnt do any lifting so soon if you had open rny.
   — shellypoe

April 24, 2005
At 5 1/2 mos. post-op, lifting shouldn't be any problem. I think that everything is well healed by now. Unless you have had other complications, I wouldn't worry about it. You can't compare your surgery with those that had open Gastric Bypass. The Lap RNY is nothing like that. We didn't have our muscles cut like that. Most surgeries are lap now.
   — jk_harris

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