has any one tryed carb countdown chocolate milk

i am trying to get my protien in best i can, have a hard time with meat. 2yrs out rny. so i found this milk and doesn't tast bad 2 cuos a day 24 protien. will i gain weight on this. i was having ceral and low fat milk for breakfast and gained i am sure from milk?    — tammy B. (posted on March 3, 2005)

March 2, 2005
Hi Tammy, I haven't tried the Carb Countdown chocolate milk yet but I do have the Atkins/Hood Carb Countdown Lowfat Yogurt Smoothies everyday. They have 13 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat and only 2 grams of sugar in each one. They taste delicious. My favorite is Black Cherry. It is a great way for me to get in protein and I love the taste! Try them, I think you will enjoy them!
   — Stephanie W.

March 2, 2005
I like takes me about a week to finish the 1/2 gallon carton though. I don't drink it everyday but I haven't gained any weight. Milk doesn't seem to bother me in any form but I would definitely gain on the cereal though.
   — scbabe

March 3, 2005
Hello, I use Hoods low Carb daily myself. I have not gained on it. I'am staying around 144 lbs.My 2 years is up in May.I'm happy where I'am at with my weight.I have not lost any weight since last summer.I drink this up to 2 or three times a day.I will put it in the blender with a fruit to make it into a shake.Good Luck and take care. 264/144/=Happy Robin
   — madbird

March 3, 2005
Watch your calories from the carb countdown--that's the bottom line with weight gain. Have you tried Nectar protein powder shakes? They are fruit flavored and juice consistency , so they go down better than whey protein drinks. I am also 2 yrs post and drink one of these 4-5 times per week to ensure I get enough protein. I order mine from Good luck.
   — dianne E.

March 3, 2005
I use this milk. I am having a problem with lactose intolerance and bought it because of that, but I realized I get more bang for the buck drinking this since it has more protein than regular milk. I don't think it has an excessive amount of calories. I usually crave it when I have PMS and want chocolate so I figure it's better to drink that than eat junk. I haven't gained any weight on it, but I very rarely eat cereal. The weight gain you experienced may have had more to do with the cereal you had with it, depending on what kind it was, than the milk. Best wishes for health and happiness.
   — Donna F.

March 3, 2005
Hi Tammy, I use Carb Countdown daily. I mix it in a blender with my Protein powder and crushed ice. It taste like a Malted Milk Shake and I love it. I haven't gained any weight on it . As a matter of fact, I am at goal and have been using Carb Countdown since the week after my surgery back in February 5th, 2004. I have been at goal since I was 8 months Post Op. And the taste alone is great, has plenty of Protein, much lower in calories than regular milk as well as calcium and plenty of minerals. I don't know if I would have made it to goal without my Carb Countdown. Good luck and enjoy, Cindy
   — cindirella

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