does surgery cause a delay

I am late for my period. I am not worried about being pregnant, I had my tubes tied years ago. can having surgery delay this. I am a week late. I have anxiety and it is usually worse around the time I am suppose to start. I just wondered has anyone else experienced this problem. thanks for any help melinda    — taterbug898 (posted on December 22, 2004)

December 22, 2004
From what I have heard, many women have their period when they're in the hospital before they even go home. This happened to me as well, and it was 2 weeks before it was supposed to start. I guess what I'm saying is it seems to happen early for many of us rather than late. Nerves, hormones, everything is affected by such a major surgery.
   — Linn D.

December 22, 2004
There is total upset to your system from the anesthesia and the sudden change in diet etc. It would make total sense for things to be turned upside down. I had been on Dep for 8 years when I had my WLS so I never experienced the "fun" of my period showing up while I was in the hospital. YEAH for me!!
   — zoedogcbr

December 22, 2004
Melinda, I too was also late about 2 weeks after I had my WLS. I had my tubes tied for 5 years before i had the surgery so I wasn't too worried about being pregnant. BUT if ou don't get it in a week or so, I would take a test just to make sure and maybe call your surgeon and let him know what is or isn't going on and he may make some recommendations.
   — KittyKatt

December 22, 2004
Melinda, I completely missed my first period after my surgery. When I called my doctor, he said this was very common thing to happen. Hope this helps,
   — Evangeline H.

December 22, 2004
Hi Melinda, I get my period each time in the hospital because of the blood thinners that they give you. The day the blood thinners are stopped so does my period, then afterwards I am late for the next months.
   — Amy Hoffman

December 23, 2004
Any kind of "trauma" to the body can cause this. Surgery is a trauma. I had a very minor gynecological procedure done and was 2 weeks late afterwords. My OB/GYN said to take a pregnancy test (which I've also had my tubes tied so I wasn't worried about that either) and if it was negative, don't worry about it until the following month. A day later, I got my period!! Your mind and body play horrible tricks with your period!!
   — Patty H.

December 24, 2004
i dont belive that should effect your date. they give you blood test make sure you not pregant. you dont have worry about that.
   — bernadette F.

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