Has anyone had a seroma that just never went away?

I had lipo on my legs back in July. I have a seroma on the front of my thigh, about the size of an egg. It has been there since one week post-op. We have drained it, injected some kind of medicine that was supposed to help fix it, and yet it doesn't go away. Will it eventually on it's own? The PS said to come back and see him in another month. Has anyone had one that stayed FOREVER?    — raye (posted on October 4, 2004)

October 4, 2004
I had a seroma after a hernia repair and it took 4 months to go away. It was not ever drained, my surgeon felt strongly that it would go on its own and that draining it was an increased risk for infection.
   — **willow**

October 4, 2004
I guess each PS is different; I had one after my TT; which the doctor used a needle to 'drain' out for a week daily; when THAT didnt work; he put the drain back in (surgically). The drain was there for over 8 weeks before being taken out.
   — star .

October 4, 2004
I had an incisional hernia repaired 6/11, within about a week I developed a seroma. It eventually went away 3-4 weeks later. Not to be too gross, I came home from work about ten days after surgery and leaned against my island in the kitchen and it began to drain--from my incision. I was really frightened until I learned from my doctor it was harmless unless it became infected. This happened about 3 or 4 more times, finally went away. The nurse told me not to be concerned because it did drain on its own. I was fine later--not sure if I had good advice or not.
   — debmi

October 4, 2004
Seromas can be a real nuisance and be persistent! Protein intake OK? For some reason WLS patients form seromas. I try and "fix the fixables" with nutrition, limit movement with a good compression garment, and then resort to draining them. I've never seen a permanent one.
   — DrL

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