Do you have problems taking Vicodin?

I am 6 months post op and am 12 lbs away from my goal weight. I have noticed that any time I take Vicodin (rx for knee pain) it gives me horrible, debilitating, stabbing stomach pains that last for hours at a time. Soma does not do this to me. Does anyone else have this problem? Have you found a solution?    — Jennifer F. (posted on September 5, 2004)

September 4, 2004
ME, this happens to me. I am so glad that you posted this, I have taken it several times since surgery with no problems but since I have started taking Soma for my back, if I take Vicodin it feels like my ribs are being torn out of my body, it is the most horrible pain I have ever felt, and I am even sore the next day. Now I am wondering if it is the Soma that is making this happen?? My doctors are baffled. I was given liquid, to see if it was the pills causing the pain, nope the liquid does it too, just quicker. I have searched the internet looking for anyone else that has this problem and you are the first person that has the pain too, now I don't feel crazy. Thank you again for posting this question!!
   — Haziefrog

September 4, 2004
I found out the hard way that tylenol w/codeine does that to my stomach.I even went to the emergency room for the pain and they gave me prevacid..the dr. said he didnt think it was the tylenol but this has happened more than once and I really believe it was. When I took the prevacid the pain went away .I am going to see my wls dr. next week and I am going to ask him about this .
   — Michigan G.

September 5, 2004
Mark me down as # 3 that does this also!! If I take the normal amount of percocet that I took before surgery I am in agony for a couple of hours. I finally realized to cut the dose. So before surgery I was taking 7's and now I take 3/4 of a 5. I am so sensitive to just about anything now and when I take pain meds now it hits me in 10 mins where before surgery it would take 30mins to an hour. I was wondering if it was liver pain since it apparently is getting into our systems sooner then it is leaving sooner also.
   — jenafwife

September 5, 2004
Vicodin doesn't really give me stabbing stomach pains, but I have noticed that it does have a tendency to make me very, very nauseated much easier than before my surgery. Even taking it with food in my stomach it does that. It makes me very, very constipated too. The last time I had kidney stones the doctor gave me a prescription for Darvocet. It worked just as well as the Vicodin for me and I had no problems with getting nauseated or constipated. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

September 5, 2004
They put me on this after my tummy tuck 3 weeks ago. No stomach pains, but very nauseated when they told me to take two. So the surgeon told me to back down to one pill and I have no problems.
   — ckreh

September 5, 2004
I have been taking vicodin for years prior to (for unrelated pain) and after my WLS (for same unrelated pain)....have not had a problem with them at all, either way. I always make it a practice to take the pain meds with something in my stomach that is not dairy, and also to take as much water with the med as possible, which I know can be a little bit of a problem after the WLS. This is something you should speak to your doctor about. I have noticed that I cannot take any kind of laxative other than Milk of Magnesia, as I swear it is turning my stomach inside out and back again, after it has thrown in a few odd shapes just for the extra kicks. Best advice, check with your doctor. There are alot of the same meds out there with different names, but percocet, darvocet, etc., are all basically the same acetmenophine with hydrocodone that is in vicodin. Best of luck to you in your contniued weight loss journey. Hope you are feeling better soon.
   — DorrieB

September 5, 2004
vicodin can cause stomach pain anyway. I have to take it in half with a bite of food.
   — Sally M.

September 5, 2004
I should have learned my lesson with vicodin as a WLS post-op, but didn't. I took it 3 weeks ago after my TT and as it did the first time, it made me extremely constipated to the point of being in tears for several days. Milk of Magnesia was the only thing that even touched the discomfort.
   — Fixnmyself

September 5, 2004
It doesn't affect me at all. Guess I'm weird. :)
   — RebeccaP

September 6, 2004
I qam 3 years post op and if I take Vicodin on an empty stomach I have the symptoms you describe for hours afterward. I found it best to eat a piece of cheese or something dense just before I take it.
   — LLinderman

September 6, 2004
I forgot to add that for the first year post-op I was given a RX for the liquid form which caused no pain at all. I didn't have problems until I switched to the pill form (I break them in half).
   — LLinderman

September 7, 2004
I am yet another one who can no longer take anything with codeine post-op. Prior to my first WLS in 1997 I had absolutely no problems taking Vicodin or Tylenol #3. I have been known to take two Tylenol #3 and still work! Not anymore! I developed pneumonia at about 1 1/2 yrs PO from my VBG in 1997 along with an ear infection and sinus infection. I was given Vicodin for pain. I got the first dose down. After that, when it was time for the second dose I was doubled over in the bed, sitting Indian style with my forehead resting on the bed. The pain was unbearable! I had encountered this with Tylenol #3 as well. Well, I lived through that and it was time for my next dose of Vicodin. Not only did I have the gut pains again but then began the vomiting. Eight hours of hugging a toilet, itching like crazy and stomach pain. Horrible experience. Since then if I am desperate I will take a Vicodin but I pretty much try to steer clear of anything with codeine in it. After I had my revision to RNY in 5/2000 they had me on a morphine pump with no problems but sent me home on liquid Lortab and within a few days I was hurting when I would take it so I have concluded there is something that my pouch hates about codeine or anything like it. So, you are definately not alone in this. I would love to know what causes this and what alternatives we have other than praying that we don't get in a situation where we need strong pain relief! Good luck!
   — Kellye C.

September 7, 2004
Oh my God! This happened to me just two days ago! It was the worst pain, shaking, sweats, palpitations and nausea I have ever had since surgery. I took 15mg in pill form. What is wierd is that postop I had lortab elixir (liquid f orm) and it worked so ggo d and no problem. I was allowed 15 or 30mg as i wanted. I only ever needed the 15mg then so that's what I took in the pill form. I sure won't do it again. good luck!
   — catleth

September 12, 2004
Vicodin doesn't bother my stomache now postop but it did preop.......some antibiotics bother me now though.strange how that happens.
   — jennifer A.

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