How long did you leak fluid after lipo? I'm 27 hours postop, and

I'm 27 hours postop, and leaking bright red blood from one sight on my outer thigh. It's not what I would call massive, but I am replacing the bandaging every two to three hours or so, and it's soaked with blood. It's not amber colored, like serum. It's definitely blood. Anyone else have this? Did it stop within a day or two?    — raye (posted on July 30, 2004)

July 30, 2004
You should call your surgeon and ask him. If it seems like a lot of blood or it isn't slowing down, I'd head to the emergency room to get checked out.
   — LisaHillsinger

July 31, 2004
If it is really like blood you should call your surgeon right away. That's why he is there, to help you. :-) Then he can decide if it's nothing to worry about or if youneed to be seen. Call right now.
   — catleth

July 31, 2004
I would call the surgeon as already suggested, however one thing to find out. Were you on blood thinner or lovanox during your surgery or hospital stay. This will cause you to bleed more once you are home until it wears out of your system. Apply direct pressure to the site and don't lift the bandage to look at the site. By doing that you are typically 'lifting the scab off a sore" your removing the clotting factor. Keep firm steady pressure on the site and allow this to help control the bleeding. My drain site bleed like I had been stabbed with a buthers knife. But it was because of the meds I had been given. Followed the same instructions and I just gave and it quit. Hope you feel better soon. Best Wishes
   — smoore_911

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