At six months plus out, how much is too much for a 'small meal'?

I am 6+months out with a RnY 60cc pouch, 150cm bypassed. I am eating about 5 meals a day,but I don't think they're small enough because I'm just not loosing any more weight. I've lost 94 by the end of 5 months, and stuck here, loosing and gaining the same 5lbs. I can eat, at a meal two eggs and a slice of toast. Or a half of chicken breast and almost half a cup of veggies. Or a whole Detour bar. I get anywhere from 60-80 oz of liquids a day and exercise all I can, nearly every day for at least half an hour. Am I eating too much? I post my menu on and am getting an average of about 1100calories a day, mostly protein, low fat, low carbs. I don't eat any bread that isn't whole wheat, and no potatoes, chips or the bad carbs. Nothing with white flour. Just the occasional Triscuits, or Grape Nuts in yogurt for a meal. You can answer me here, or email me privately at [email protected]. Thanks. Nona Miller    — oktoberlady (posted on June 26, 2004)

June 27, 2004
I'm 9 months post-op and a typical day for me is: breakfast: 1 egg, scrambled and 1 slice of turkey bacon. snack: 4 apple slices with a thin spread of peanut butter on top. lunch: 3/4 c Wendy's chili with cheese. snack: 1 mozzarella string cheese. dinner: 3 oz grilled chicken, marinated in Italian dressing overnight, 1 c of salad with cheese, 1/2 slice crumbled turkey bacon, cucumbers, Ranch dressing. snack: popsicle or 4 oz yogurt.
   — jenn_jenn

June 27, 2004
Nona, I looked at your profile and can't really tell where you started but 94 pounds in five months is a HUGE success. If your photo is up to date, it looks like you might be close to goal. I would bet that your body is just figuring out how to adjust to the 94 pound loss and is "resting" for a little while. You look terrific and it sounds to me as if you're doing the right things. You might try changing something in your routine, like change to a different exercise, or add a food you haven't had before, maybe increase your calories for a couple of days then drop them for a couple of days. Sometimes our bodies just get adjusted to a routine and we have to shake them up. Don't take this wrong please but you should update that profile. Be proud of your story and post it so others can read it. Congrats on a fabulous success.
   — scbabe

June 27, 2004
Nona, you're doing great we are almost the same Post-op I've lost 96 pounds and appear to be stuck, but I know from others that the losing starts again. I don't know I guess the body plays catch up - some days I can get what appears to be "too much" but is really only a little more. My protein drinks and some nuts are my major source of food, as meats at unpredictable.
   — Anna M.

June 27, 2004
Dear Nona, You're doing fantastic. I think our plateaus are our body's way of taking a breather. Think of how hard it's had to work these past months. I agree with the other poster about changing the routine a little bit. I don't believe you're eating too much. I know it's hard to be in a holding pattern, but it won't last.
   — Chris L.

June 28, 2004
Hey, thanks all, for the help. I will try shifting things around. Glad to hear I'm not overeating. I will also update my profile,although I thought it was. Thanks again Nona
   — oktoberlady

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