Has anyone tried virgin coconut oil and what has the outcomes been?

Anyone notice anything better/worste about the product?just started using it myself to see if it could help my thyroids and help me start loosing again?thank you all    — Sheila W. (posted on March 27, 2004)

March 27, 2004
My vet recommended it for my dog...makes her coat VERY shiny and lush. I'm not making fun. I've read some great articles about it's health benefits and their backed up by research...spendy stuff though - so I hope it works for you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 28, 2004
umm, honey , what are you using it for ? internal ? , the only thing i ever use it for is on my hair, cause it helps the dry frizzies i get i n winter ...
   — bethlaf

March 29, 2004
I have used it in foods and it tastes fine, but I haven't been able to determine if it is helping my thyroid or not, although that was the plan. I really don't use it enough to know.
   — Christy L.

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