I've split an incision, it's leaking, I'm scared

10 days post TT/medial thigh and fanny lift... I've split a hole in the incision near the mons pubis and right hip. I was glued, not stitched or stapled together and it looks like the glue came off during a shower (which I was cleared to do, I might add) anyway, I'm scared it's gonna get infected. It's already leaking fluid. I called my fabulous (and gorgeous) plastic surgeon dr. weiss of Jacksonville when I first started leaking and he said it was ok...nothing to worry about. He doesn't know I've split open and a hole isn't good is it? I'm treating with neosporin and anti=bacterial soap and I'm working to get the fluid out. I don't want a seroma or worse, necrosis of the skin. Any advice, suggestions etc? On the plus side: My surgeon said I'm healing faster and didn't bruise as much as he thought I would cause I was pre loaded with Nectars and Vit C!!! I'm feeling sore and scared right now so I'm gonna go sleep. I'll call Peggy and Dr. Weiss in the AM to see what's up. My next post-op isn't until Friday and I really am worried about infection. I'm draining to the tune of one extra long, overnight maxi-pad per day. That seems like a lot to me. Any advice from you posties would be so great...thanks AMOS! jen -155 size 28 then RNY 11/12/2002 size 8/10 (11 in juniors) TT/thighs 3/2/2004 and loving life    — Jen E. (posted on March 15, 2004)

March 14, 2004
Believe me leaking the fluid is better then it building up into a seroma. After my thigh lift, one leg opened and sprung a leak very early on. I could squeeze it and fluid would squirt out the little hole. It impressed my neice and nephew! The other leg developed seromas which became infected. The doctor drained the seroma's several times and then eventually had to put a drain in it. He took the drain out about a week later and I had to keep the incision open with a qtip and squeeze the fluid out of it several times a day. It took well over a month before the fluid stopped. MY PS said that this type of drainage is something that he has noticed seems to occur to people who have had weight loss surgery. I was scared that it would never stop, but it eventually did.
   — Lisa N M.

March 15, 2004
Jen, Be concerned and watchful, but not worried. This happen more often than you think. It is much better to have the fluid drain out!!How deep is the opening? Take a shower daily. Soap up the area above the opening and let water carry soap through it. Do not scrub the area. This will remove the tiny granular cells that are trying to close the wound. You want the wound to heal from the inside to the outside. Do not try to pull the skin edges together. Keeping antibiotic ointment on the wound will help keep down bacteria and form a base for those granular cells. If you develop a fever,thick or foul smelling drainage you need to see the surgeon immediately. I expect it will take a month or so to close. Good luck. Congratulations on your successful journey.
   — Linda Dianne E.

March 17, 2004
Thanks to all who replied, I apppreciate the support. I didn't know not to scrub the hole, but I will stop, that's for sure! New problem tonight took a shower and washed the incisions and hole (then covered with neosporin) and while I was putting on the surgical garment I just found a giant lump on on of the scars in my crotch which seems to be weeping. I covered it with Neosporin and a bandage, but I'm a little nervous now. I'll of course call in the AM> why isn't I don't find these things during the day, when he's actually in the office.
   — Jen E.

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