How do you take a tub bath or sit comfortably again after weight loss?

Okay this may sound silly, but I am sure someone out there has had it happen and can help me. It is cold weather again here. I love to soak in a tub of hot water. Problem, at 11 months post op and 160 lbs lighter, I have no butt. It actually hurts to sit in the tub or on something hard. I can't believe it but, I miss having some cushion back there. It's nothing medically, just lack of padding. Feels like bone against cement. Anyone know how I can enjoy my soak again? Thanks    — june22 (posted on November 30, 2003)

November 30, 2003
This may sound too simple and I may not understand the full scope of your problem as I am still pre-op, but have you tried an inflatable donut pillow to sit on in the tub? Just a thought as I had a broken tail bone once and this helped. Carolyn B
   — Carolyn B.

November 30, 2003
What about folding a towel and placing it under your bottom, or getting one of those big spongy things they put in baby baths. Try Toys R Us. The inflatable donut actually sounds like a good idea. I can't even sit in the car too long because of "no more butt itis" LOL!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

November 30, 2003
I have the same problem. No buttmeat. And a fractured tailbone. So I have the best of both worlds. I would try the towel or donut thing. I also wake up in the morning with pain on the sides of my knees from the knees clacking together when I roll over in the middle of the night. I am sure eventually we will get used to all these little problems. My "always been skinny" friends think I have lost it when I talk about these issues.
   — Charlene W.

November 30, 2003
I thought I was the only one with this problem,once I started loosing I noticed that my butt hurt in the tub. My husband got so tickled at me. I just move around until I get confrontable. I have found bones in my body that I forgot were there like collar bone, hip bone and rib cage. and the wonder of touching my toes it is wonderful to feel these things again .
   — Cathy M.

November 30, 2003
I've lost 90 pounds and have discovered that bones hurt....who would've thunk it? lol
   — jennifer A.

November 30, 2003
Hehe. I don't really have a solution that is better than anything posted before me, but I do have hope :) I have lost 165# since surgery and my tailbone ached terribly for the longest time. I am a software engineer, so I spend a lot of time on it. However, in the last month or two, it seems to have toughened up or something, because it doesn't really hurt anymore. Hang in there. I am sure it will get better :)
   — Greg P.

November 30, 2003
I never had this problem but my sister broke her tail bone and we took one of the thin small pool floats, the sheer kind you blow up with air, it fit perfectly in the top and it was great to sit on and even lay back on to relax muscles...she said how great it felt so I used to too and it did...Hope this helps ...
   — robin R.

November 30, 2003
I know EXACTLY what you are talking. I don't know what works to make it better - but one thing for sure, don't ask a person who has always been skinny. They think we're nuts.
   — kultgirl

November 30, 2003
Bad effects of surgery, sore butt and cold. I was told a exercise trainer can give you instructions to toughen up back there. At 2.5 years out it still bothers me. Good trade for all the health troubles I USED to have.
   — bob-haller

December 1, 2003
WOO HOO!!! You are all talking about pain but I am hearing you say there is hope I will fit in my bathtub again one day!! I am getting more and more excited every day to have this surgery!
   — Angie Taylor

December 1, 2003
I have not noticed that problem in the tub, but I am having a hard time sleeping at night because of pain in my hip area when I am on my side. Also I have noticed that I can no longer sleep with my knees together in a fetal position as it feels like bone on bone...and I guess it is!
   — J H.

December 2, 2003
Even some of the so called "skinny world" issues are complex issues for the "WLS community"! I'm also pre~op but have a huge suggestion based on my experiences due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. I think many people have the right ideas for the bath tub. I thought out of all suggestions the baby bath sponge (available in any baby section in most stores nationwide) sounded the safest. I guess because they're made NOT to slip about when bathing babies and therefore I think I'd try that first. As far as the knee knockers, my best bed buddy (aside from my husband) is my down feather body pillow! It moves and conforms to me and my many twisted sleeping body positions at night. I can't leave home without it. I have to have it propped between my knees or I'd go crazy and never get any rest at all. I hope you all find comfort soon, I'm sure these issues are minor compared to the greater benefits from losing the extra pounds that keep us awake or unable to soak in the bath for other reasons all together. Good Luck !
   — Jennifer M.

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