12 days post-op, I'm feeling weak, should I call my Doc?

I've been doing great since my surgery, then these last 2 or 3 days I've begun to have spells of feeling really weak, to the point that I have to sit down for a while. Not really dizzy, just feeling like I have to sit before I fall. Could this be from not getting enough of something? I'm getting around 64 oz of water, not feeling dried out except when I wake in the morning. I'm getting between 30-45g of protein thanks to a protein shake once a day. Could there be anything else lacking? I'm taking a chewable Centrum once a day, 1500mg of calcium a day (500 3 times a day) and biotin 2500mcg twice a day. My doc said B12 by mouth is OK with him at this stage, would that help? Thanks to everyone in advance. I've learned so much from this bunch, my surgery and early recovery have gone fantastic thanks to all of you!    — Chyrl W. (posted on November 25, 2003)

November 24, 2003
When in doubt, it is always best to contact your surgeon/doctor. Have you checked your blood pressure lately? It could be the problem too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 24, 2003
Are you on blood pressure meds? Maybe they need adjusted. Or, it could be low blood sugar. Are you getting any food? I feel this way when my blood sugar drops. Try eating more often, even if it's just a few bites. And ditto on checking with the doc.
   — mom2jtx3

November 24, 2003
Always check with your doctor when you are feeling concerned. But for those of us who are merely sharing our experiences, I'm here to tell you lots of us went through tht period of feeling weak at first. In my opinion and that of my surgeon, definitely B-12 sublingual. Tiny little, virtually tasteless, pills that are to be dissolved under the tongue. So simple to take. You know, at first I think we are actually malnourished. When we are able to eat more of more types of foods, we begin to regain our energy and stamina. Good luck to you.
   — Ginger M.

November 25, 2003
Original poster here. Thanks for your replies. My doc said to eat 1/4 cup of food, and I've been sticking to 3 meals a day because I really don't get hungry in between, but perhaps I do need a healthy nibble in between. I'm not on blood pressure meds, never have been, so that wouldn't be it. I think I'm going to get the B12 since that's already been cleared, but also call my doc. Thanks for your replies.
   — Chyrl W.

November 25, 2003
I would possibly add the B12, maybe some iron if you are feeling tired. I would ask your doc, It could be meds you were taking before like another poster said, If you were/are diabetic that could be it. But most likely you are just plain worn out form all of this, hang in there it gets better.
   — Saxbyd

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