How long til off insulin?

I just wanted to know how long after WLS did it take for you to get off of insulin. I'm just dreaming of the day I wont have to inject myself anymore. Right now I use Novolin N & Humalog I don't know if that makes a difference. Thanks.    — vllgmz4 (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 20, 2003
I am two weeks post-op today. Before surgery I was taking 40units of 70/30 Novilin in the morning and 40 units of 70/30 Novilin in the evening, my blood sugar was under control, it has to be to have surgery. While in the hospital after surgery my blood sugars went as high as 245, but they are okay with that, because your body is in stress and it will make your blood sugars fight harder, so while I was in the hospital I was on insulin. The morning after I came home from the hospital I had to take 15 units of 70/30 Novilin, the doctor said anything above 150 to take a shot of insulin, since that day, my blood sugars have stayed under 150 with NO INSULIN. The have been running around 140 to 150, but as I can eat more than just soup they are getting lower, this evening I was 134. I have had NO INSULIN, NO SHOTS, that by itself was worth having the surgery, I have lost 25 lbs and 19 inches, and that is great.
   — cindy

August 20, 2003
I am 4 months post-op and down 73 lbs. Prior to surgery I was on about 28 units of Lantus injected once a day, 2,000mg of Glucophage, 8 mg of Amaryl and Humalog as needed. Now I'm off ALL oral meds and just using between 7-10 units of Lantus only. I may use a few units of Humalog if my fasting blood sugars are over 140, but they rarely are. Most of my 2 hours-post meal numbers are below 150. I see my endocrinologist next month and maybe he'll take away the Lantus too. It seems the more I lose, the less I take. I expect to be off insulin in maybe 20-30 lbs time. Personally I'd rather "shoot up" once a day with Lantus then pop all the pills I used to take. Good luck in your journey!
   — Lori J.

August 20, 2003
The day I had my surgery I stopped taking my insulin. I was taking 30 units of Lantus at bedtime and 20 units of Humalog before each meal. I also took Amaryl 4mg daily. My A1C when I had my surgery was 9.3. 3 months after my surgery my A1C went to 4.9!!!!! Everyone is different and all doctors are different. My doctor said as long as it stayed under 200 he did not want me taking any medication. Mine runs 72 consistently now. I was worried I would go low. I have once or twice but that was my fault, because I did not eat all day. Good luck in your journey.
   — Lisa C.

August 20, 2003
Prior to my surgery I was taking Humulin N and Humulog, Glucophage, Glucotrol XL, and Avandia to try to control my blood sugar levels. I had to take 3-4 injections per day and my blood sugar was still out of control. My glucose levels usually stayed between 200-300 even with the medications and insulin injections. Since my surgery 3 months ago... I have only taken 2 injections total, because on two occassions my glucose went over 180... so I took a little insulin to bring it down. My PCP says that my diabetes has stabalized itself... it usually stays between 95 and 120 now with no medications or insulin. My doctors are pleased and amazed at the same time. This surgery is an amazing thing.
   — Kimberly B.

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