What do I need to do to prepare for plastic surgery? As gastric bypass, I made sure

I had chewable vitamins, protein drink, jello, etc. Now, as I am getting ready for plastic surgery, I have no idea what I need to do to prepare for that! HELP!! THANKS!    — Judy W. (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
A recliner and a 'box' of thick old fashion sanitary napkins (they make GREAT pads) will fit over your wound. Thats about it. Also, my surgeon said to take Vitamin C ....
   — star .

July 23, 2003
I'm not sure what reconstructive surgery you are having, but here is what I needed for my breast reduction. Extra pillows to place on your side in bed (you need to sleep on you back and these keep you from rolling over), Up you protein now before surgery (it will help you heal quicker and faster), Drink a lemom tea (not really a tea, glass of hot water, half a lemon, and splenda. This helps with water retention). If it is a breast reduction you will need some sports bras. I also didn't want much to eat in the first few days, so I had soups, sugar-free pops, crackers, etc. Pretty much like when I was newly post-op. Oh, move things you may need to get to in your cabinets to the counters, so you don't have to reach. Buy paper plates, cups, etc. Also, have button down shirts and PJs available. You shouldn't be lift your arms up over your head. I hope this helps.
   — Cheryl S.

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