What is gout, what does it feel like and what causes it

Are there any post ops that suffer from gout? What are your symptoms, and what causes it. My toe (right foot, next to pinky toe) hurts so bad I'm about to cry. can hardly walk without excruciating pain, and it's gone on for about a week now. I called and made an appt with a podiatrist but not going until Thursday. Just want feed back. Thank you all so much.    — Happy I. (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 7, 2003
My husband get gout in his foot & knee and the pain is so severe even a bedsheet causes extreme pain. It's right about cherry juice drink lots & lots. Also, liquor & shellfish & red meats could trigger a bout. Your regular physician should be able to help. I hope you feel better real soon.
   — Vicki V.

July 7, 2003
That same toe gave me terrible misery and woe -- and then I found out I had a corn tucked in the curve on the side! Good old Dr Scholl's took care of that; I can only hope that your problem can be solved as simply. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 8, 2003
As an earlier poster said, gout is caused by a build-up of uric acid in your bloodstream. Alcohol and certain foods make it worse, but so does being in ketosis. Ketosis is the state your body is in when it's burning fat for fuel in the absence of carbohydrates. One of the by-products of this fat breakdown is uric acid (and ammonia and acetone, and other chemicals). If you do have gout, try upping your liquid intake to help flush the uric acid out of your system.
   — Vespa R.

July 8, 2003
gout used to be called 'the rich man's disease' & suffering from it was a sign of wealth, because, eating the foods that cause gout, on an every day basis, could only be afforded by the wealthy. these days, there are many many ppl from all walks of life who suffer gout because it is caused by high protein, high fat foods which are readibly available & affordable to all. red meats seem to be the worst culprit & cause the most pain. my honey suffers from gout & the pain is so excruciating it makes him cry. he gets a prescription from the dr for it & has to drink lots & lots of water to flush the uric acid from his system. i also cut ALL meats & eggs from his diet until the attack passes, which could take from several days up to 2 weeks. i give him lots of soup (he is a soup lover anyway), tuna, seafood & what i call 'heavy' food, to fill his tummy, like pasta, potatoes, rice & breads. so my advice to you is to eat fish instead of meat, drink loads of water until your dr appointment & if you can stand to have something touching your toe, try warm, moist compresses or soak your foot in comfortably warm water. oh, keeping your foot elevated above your heart is good to do, too. good luck & feel better soon.
   — sheryl titone

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