Did I make my cream of wheat to thick

I am 10 days out and this morning I made some runny cream of wheat-sure tasted good-but this even when I made it I am not for sure if it was to thick or I ate to fast or what. I am not sick but just can't get comfortable. Will this feeling just go away as I digest or did I do something wrong?    — Toni W. (posted on June 8, 2003)

June 7, 2003
From the sound of it you probably ate just a bite too much or you ate too fast. It will go away in a little bit. I had to measure everything for the first couple of months to learn what an ounce or two actually looked like. I still measure half of the time. My eyes are at least twice as big as my stomach now! Also some foods that are generally post op friendly just don't agree with some people. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

June 8, 2003
Early on (2-4 weeks), I made Cream of Wheat so runny that it ran completely off of the spoon, then ate only about 1/4 cup....and it was one of the few things that actually made me throw up! No clue why, but let's just say I haven't tried that one again. Maybe stay away from it for a few weeks and try again?
   — eaamc

June 23, 2009
Please--TOO thick, TOO fast! Cream of wheat can thicken as it cools. Could that have happened? Also, you don't say if you had sugar, milk, or anything else in the cream of wheat--and was it instant? At ten days out, sometimes I felt like I had a rock in my stomach that wouldn't roll on down, so I stuck to soups, smoothies, and non-grainy stuff, which stopped the problem for me. Now if only I could stop being the "mean old English teacher! Cat
   — Cattykit

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