After my Lap RNY surgery I will be on my own - does anyone have any input?

I'm concerned that I won't be able to manage by myself. I have friends who can drop by to help with certain things but should I be too concerned? I'd love to hear from anyone who managed on their own after surgery. Thanks!    — Stacey G. (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 27, 2003
I did fine on my own. In fact, I took care of my kids fine too. They are 12, 8, and 4. You'll be fine, in my opinion. Just get all your cleaning and laundry done before you go in.
   — Diana L.

February 27, 2003
You'll be just fine, just take it easy. GOOD LUCK!!
   — Tambi B.

February 27, 2003
The hospital won't let you drive yourself home, so make sure you have a friend drive you or get a taxi. Also, have someone get your medications for you before taking you home. Also, keep a chart of when you take food, medications, water. You will be tired and on pain meds and will want to make sure you don't accidentally take too much medicine and also make sure you are getting enough water and 'eating' your 'meals'. Stock up on your broth, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles and anything else your doctor says you can have in the first 2 weeks or so. Good luck!
   — Yolanda J.

February 27, 2003
If you plan to take a cab home, ask ahead of time if you need your doc's permission to do so. I had planned on doing that once and the nurse in the recovery area wouldn't let me do that until she had cleared it with the doc.
   — garw

February 27, 2003
I came home from 2 days in the hospital in time to hand out Halloween candy! Managing by myself in our house means I can cook a turkey breast in the crockpot instead of putting the whole bird in the oven (LOL!). I did laundry the next day - just had someone take it downstairs for me. I didn't need a lot of pain medication and I did keep a food diary for the first month, including water. My husband and both of my big boys (19 and 22) all went to work the day after I came home. I guess because I was warm and breathing they figured I could take care of myself. I even had some little jobs to keep me occupied (daytime TV kills brain cells, I'm convinced). Cleaned out the kitchen "junk" draw. Washed and dried pillows, etc. You will be fine and may even be glad you don't have someone hovering around.
   — koogy

February 27, 2003
I came home on Thursday from my lap rny. Had it on Tuesday. I did fine and was taking my son to ball practice (driving) by Sat. Morning. I only took pain meds my 1st day home and then only at night for a couple of days. You will do fine just remember to walk walk walk. Even if it is only up and down a hallway, I did this every 2 -3 hours during my first couple of weeks. I was very paranoid about blood clots. I am soon to be 11 months our 3/9 and still doing great down 130lbs. Best of luck to you. rk
   — Robin B.

February 28, 2003
I agree that it is possible to not have someone around 24/7 and do great while recovering. I wouldn't recommend doing anything the doc says not to. Laudry?? Yikes. I over did things after having my tubes tied and ended up having a hysterectomy because of it. Stay active, but within the doc's guidelines. Your doc should know what the limitations are during recovery period. I have been fortunate that I've always felt pretty good after surgery or at least realized some things (like walking) must be done no matter what. If you're not comfortable being alone 24/7, perhaps just having a friend a phone call away will ease your mind. That is my plan. Best wishes.
   — Diane S.

February 28, 2003
Stacey, if everything goes well, you probably will do fine on your own with some help from friends. However, you should make plans just in case there are complications. I had one of those, 5 days after my lap RNY when I had to have an emergency open surgery-kinked bowel-totally unexpected. I could have handled recovery myself with the lap but needed a few days of help with the open.
   — Cindy R.

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