Why do RNYers get so many hernias and will I get one?

   — train (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
Its not just RNYers...the common factor is surgery...when you are cut on (into) it weakens the stomach muscles making you more likley to develope hernia(also our preop weight contributes to the weakining of our tummy muscles) bekka
   — bekka K.

February 1, 2003
It is not just RNY'ers, alot of times people that are MO get hernia's because of the weight, sometimes RNY'ers get hernia's because the excess skin weight. Hope this helps
   — cindy

February 1, 2003
I forget the reason why, maybe someone will answer, i think it has to do with the way the intestine will form around the incision spot, however, it is OPEN RNY's who get them more than Lap's,,,I think i remember hearing like 20%...But, it is also common knowledge that a hernia leads to a semi-FREE tummy tuck!
   — heathercross

February 1, 2003
Hernias are simply a separation in the normal muscle fibers. This can happen due to pressure on those muscles from morbid obesity or pregnancy, or the muscle fibers may have always been weaker in that area and finally separate, or the muscle wall that has been cut during a surgery can re-open causing a hernia. Many people who have been very obese over an extended period of time may have hernias that they are not even aware of. Often, surgeons will discover hernias during tummy tucks and take that opportunity to repair them. Patients who have ANY "open" surgery are at a far greater risk for post-op hernias than patients who have laparascopic surgery. Therefore, I would guess that the RNY patients that report hernias are largely in a group of patients who have had "open" surgeries. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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