Shipping for Real Meals Samples?

I was going to order some samples of Real Meals from protein solutions only to find that they will charge me 8.00 to ship a 5.00 sample. Ridiculous when some places charge no shipping and a place like charges 4.95 no matter what they send you (1 or 17 items). So is there any other place to get a sample of Real Meals? Thanks!    — susanje (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
Hi, I ordered the samples of RealMeals directly. I had e-mailed them beforehand to ask if single servings could be purchased in local stores. They told me that cases only coulld be purchased in stores, and the only way to get samples was to order from them. I ordered a vanill and a chocolate. My bill was $18.93. It kind of burns me up that that's almost half the price of a case, but it has gotten such good reviews that I figured that a few extra dollars might be worth it. Also, I don't like fruit or mint flavored drinks, candies, etc., so that eliminates a lot of the products on the market. If you want, e-mail me in a few days and I'll let you know how they are. They should be arriving any day.
   — Fixnmyself

January 17, 2003
Call and speak with Rebecca or someone in the Customer Service Department at Real Meals. $4.95 is better than $8.00 though. Seems like some type of deterrent from placing small orders but by the same token a good question to ask is "what if I don't like the taste even for the samples that you may pay $8.00 for?" Is there not a money-back guarantee? Just call and find out the particulars. I'm sure everyone here would be interested in the end result.
   — yourdivaness

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