Does anyone else post op have back pain? I am 5 mths post op and I have terrible

back pain on the right side below my shoulder blade. It stings and is terrible pain. Does anyone else have this? What can I take that will help? Ibuprofin and Naprosoin doesn't help. Anyone with similiar problems please respond. Thanks.    — Judy W. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 8, 2002
I had pain like that with my gall bladder. It just sort of comes and goes.
   — cindy Q.

December 9, 2002
I had TERRIBLE back pain in one spot on my right side lower neck. It was because when I lost weight I stand different and the body adjusts. I saw a chiropractor for a few sessions (spread out) and it helped a lot! Try a chiropractor. I use one that uses an "activator" vs cracking.
   — ZZ S.

December 9, 2002
If it doesn't get better soon, please see an orthopedist. You could need physical therapy or a chiropractor. Good luck!
   — Beth S.

December 10, 2002
I have the same pain - comes and goes - it reminds me of my gallbladder pain - but mine was removed 13 years ago. I am planning on talking to my surgeon at my next appointment. It really bothers me a lot when I stand too long. Haven't been able to tell if something is triggering the pain. Good luck and e-mail me if you find out something thanks
   — Sharon O.

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