Has anyone been turned down because the were diagnoised with depression?

I was diagnoised with depression and panic attacks, and have it under control with prozac. I also was told the depression was due to hypothryoidism, which is also under control. I was just wondering, can I be turned down for that? I am on the waiting list to see Dr. Brikitt(Bristol, TN).    — Carolyn D. (posted on December 8, 2002)

December 7, 2002
When I had my pre-op psychological evaluation, I was very up-front with the psychiatrist about my history of depression and my medications. He asked me about suicide, of course (no attempts or even thoughts) and other questions to basically evaluate my abilities to cope. He asked questions to see if I'd really thought this through, had made contingency plans in case there were complications, questions about family support, etc. There was no problem with approving me for surgery.
   — Susan A.

December 7, 2002
My surgeon told me that is hard to get insurance approval if the patient DOES NOT suffer from depression.
   — barbara A.

December 7, 2002
Most of us do suffer from depression. I also, have take Prozac for many years. I do not think you will have a problem.
   — Pam G.

December 8, 2002
Dont worry, when i went for my consult, a patient called and asked if she could continue her meds for depression cause she was having surgery on that next monday, and i heard the dr. say yes continue them not to worry-good luck maureen
   — Maureen A.

December 8, 2002
If the surgeons turned down patients with depression, they would be out of business. So many of us deal with this. So don't worry.
   — faybay

December 8, 2002
Hi there Carolyn! I have had depression since I was 5, I have a multi-phobic personality and suffer from anxiety disorder, which causes me to have pretty severe and unusual panic attacks. I am currently on Prozac, Ativan and take Xanax when my anxiety is going out of control. I also had surgery (open RNY) on 9/23/02 and have lost 74 lbs. To answer your question, no you shouldn't be turned down for surgery because of your depression. Vi
   — Vi F.

December 8, 2002
i was told by the psych i was TOO depressed even tho i was on meds...she said i was goin to have to wait 2 months then retest...needless to say i found a new psych and new DR and will have open RNY jan 27 :)
   — christine S.

December 8, 2002
Therapist here who does weight loss surgery psych assessments. Most all of the patients I have seen with morbid obesity have some depression. Its COMMON! Its a comorbidity like diabetes or high blood pressure. It should also help with getting approval from your insurance company. Best of luck to you!
   — k r.

December 9, 2002
ACTUALLY depression can work in your favor! It can be considered a co-morbid condition! So make SURE to mention it to your Ins. company!
   — Diana W.

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