what are the long term effects of an Rny?

I have been wanting to find out some more info on this surgery. I want to know the long term effects this surgery can cause, i know britte nails, and hair loss is one....what about your bowels..incontience(sp?) if anyone knows anything of the long term effects of Rny for Female, I would appreciate it.    — Michelle M. (posted on December 5, 2002)

December 5, 2002
I'm 14 months post-op, and have had no problems except that I may have an ulcer now. But one of the reasons I'm having no problems is that I am vigilant about taking my vitamin/mineral/protein supplements. I have a 4x per day schedule that I follow. Just remember, we can't take in enough vitamins and protein with our smaller stomachs, so supplementation is critical. Any advice you need on that, contact Michelle Curran (Vitalady) as she knows IT ALL!
   — scottiemaam O.

December 5, 2002
There may not be any answers to your question at this point. Most of us that have had the current RNY surgery are below 5 years post-op- a few at about the 8 year mark, but most below 5 years. For those that are vigilant with taking their vitamins, keeping up the protein, water and having regular blood tests, there are no effects. The hair loss is not a long term effect-the loss happens just a few months post-op and for just a few months then grows back. for those that are not vigilant with their vitamins, there will be long term effects, like bone loss/osteoporosis due to not taking your calcium. I think time will tell though as more and more have this surgery and the population to study increases.
   — Cindy R.

December 5, 2002
Like what, for example? You mean how is life different than pre-op? How is it changed forever? I don't know "forever", only the 8 yrs for myself, and what I see & learn from those ahead of me. Only the good parts? Only the bad parts? I think the way you asked the question, I could talk for 3-4 hours (although I can do that with very little provocation!). If you can be more specific, I'll certainly add what I can. Life is BETTER after than before, and not just cuz I LOOK normal.
   — vitalady

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