I have COPD & asthma- Can I still have the surgery?

Will my many health problems keep me from having the surgery? I don't want to go through every thing & then be told I can't have surgery because of my lungs.    — Mary G. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 26, 2002
I wish you the best of luck with everything! However, only your doctor can answer this questions based on your own particular situation. Lung problems CAN be a problem, as you may have troubles post-op clearing secretions, etc. (I only play a doctor on TV so I can't give you any particular medical advice here, nor should you take medical advice from online LOL I can't listen to your lungs or see your chest x-ray or know your medications and how you respond to them....please trust your doctor and follow instructions exactly! ) Hope it all goes well for you.
   — Nancy D.

November 26, 2002
I agree with Nancy, Only your doctor knows the extent of your asthma and COPD. So only that person, and the surgeon can answer your questios. What I can tell you is I had significant asthma before surgery. And I am now off of all of my medications and doing well. If you have COPD, you may have some post operative complications related to your lungs, but your doctors will know to watch for that and do the best they can to keep you out of trouble. Good Luck to you!!
   — Vicki L.

November 26, 2002
I'm an asthmatic and I had laproscopic surgery 2 weeks ago! I've been an asthmatic my whole life and it's pretty rough. When you are ready to go to the hospital just remember to bring your meds with you. They even used my provental inhaler during surgery. Just make sure you keep well - no colds!
   — Colleen S.

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