weight loss question

hi all. i am 7 weeks post-op. i have lost 36lbs and not too many inches at all. i started out at 314. doesnt this seem kind of low for a weight loss at this stage???? let me know your thoughts on this and maybe your weight loss at this stage. thanks for any input.    — Monica T. (posted on November 6, 2002)

November 6, 2002
First of all, I think your weight loss is great!I was 7 weeks post op on Monday and have lost 40 pounds. I started at 283. I know it seems slow at times, and I too have questioned my weight loss rate. I felt relieved to know that it really comes down to the percent of excess weight you have lost, not the pounds. Take your starting weight and subtract your goal weight. Then find 20% of that. If you have lost that or more, than you are doing just fine! Good luck.
   — nchaudoin

November 6, 2002
Congratulations!!! You are doing fine. I had lost less I think at that point I had a plateau of almost a month because I was in starvation mode because I wasn't getting enough of anything but my water. It started up again and my variety and abilty to do more than have a quick rental on what I was eating increased. I finally feel human at around ten weeks. I felt a whole lot better and the weight started to come off again. Every person reacts differently to this surgery whether it's how much and how quickly you lose or what types of foods you can tolerate or your hair the whole gammit. Hang in there it will happen for you. Don't second guess yourself, eat your protein take your vit's and drink your liquid and you WILL see results. Congrats again, when was the last time you lost 35plus pounds in 7 weeks time. :-) Penny Collins lap RNY 7/31/02 -55
   — pcollin4

November 6, 2002
Your weight loss is outstanding!! What a rush! That's almost a pound a day - can you even imagine!! I'm 11 weeks out and down 56 pounds. I can hardly believe it is happening, and have had bouts of wondering if it was going to fail; if I am going to be ONE that it won't work are going through the normal cycle. Please know that if you follow your doctor's orders and take care of your new little tummy, you will be fine!!!
   — Scarlett A.

November 6, 2002
Monica, we had surgery one month apart (Open RNY 8-15)....I think you are doing outstanding. If I have learned anything since having this done it is (1) DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS and (2) Do not weigh yourself everyday! That being said, here are my 2cents. I think you are doing GREAT! You are 34, I am 32, I weighted 304.5 at surgery. I was at 34lbs down @ 5ks, 37lbs down @ 7wks and 44.5lbs down @ 2 months. SInce my last check up on the 10-18, I have dropped 11 lbs. I am down 55.5lbs as of today. Have you started to work out yet? It gets alot easier/quicker once you start excercing. I work out 5X/week. Good Luck. Email me directly if you want to discuss foods, etc. Good Luck!
   — heathercross

November 6, 2002
Monica, I agree with the other poster who said not to compare yourself to others...everyone looses at different rates! Also, ask yourself if you are truly doing EVERYTHING that your Dr. wants you to do, including eating right, exercising regularly and pounding down that water! I started at 352 on July 15 when I had my surgery and am down 83lbs. in 16 weeks...however, I also eat high protein, low carbs, work out at least 4 days a week--cardio & weight a result I am the incredible shrinking woman along with the other wonderful people here on obesityhelp. I wish you the best of'll do it!!!
   — Trish R.

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