I got on the scales this morning to find out I have gained 7 pounds in the past

past 2 days. I am 3 months post op and ate about 1000 calories the last 2 days. Is it because I ate 1000 calories the past 2 days to cause me to have a 7 pound weight gain? I was off my period last week so that cannot be the problem. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.    — Judy W. (posted on November 4, 2002)

November 4, 2002
No, its not from eating 1000 calories. 1000 calories a day will not make you gain 7 pounds in 2 days. Its just a fluctuation and I think you'll find in a week from now that the 7 plus more will be gone. Are you keeping up with your water intake and are you eating at least 60 plus grams of protein? If so, don't worry about it, it will drop off in no time. At 3 months post-op you have lots of weight losing ahead of you.
   — Cindy R.

November 4, 2002
As my doctor has said to me a few times, "It's just water weight!" Just keep on doing what you're supposed to be doing and it will fall off of you shortly. I gained 2.5 pounds just since yesterday and I only ate 1,000 calories yesterday. Imagine our bodies are (at times) like a sponge. It will hold lots of water and then suddenly it will let go it of it and you're back down. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

November 4, 2002
Just FYI 1 pound = 3500 calories. In other words, to gain 1 lb. of actual wt, not water weight, you have to eat 3500 calories MORE than you require to maintain your current weight.
   — Dana S.

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