Will surgery be canceled because of period?

My surgeon told me to quit taking birth control pills 3 months prior to surgery and that I could resume 1 month post-op. I originally took birth control pills to regulate my periods. I haven't been off of them for 10 years. I am scared that my periods will become irregular again. What if I start the day before surgery?    — Allison_Belue (posted on October 2, 2002)

September 29, 2002
Don't worry about your period. :) I just had my surgery on 9-23 and was on my period at the time. Your surgeon and hospital will be prepared to handle it. I also suggest that you bring some pads with you even if you don't normally have your period or if you aren't scheduled to have it. Not always, but usually you will start soon after your surgery. Good luck and congratulations!
   — Rebekah A.

September 29, 2002
I just had my surgery on 9/19/02 and was on my period. I was mortified, but the nurses that prepped me for surgrery were very nice, and advised they would put a pad under me, which they did. When I woke up in my room, I had a clean pad under me, and the nurses on the floor were great. They discreetly helped me clean myself up until I was able to put underwear back on with a pad. I felt this would be my worst nightmare, but they all brushed it off, and did not embarass me.
   — beryl

September 30, 2002
It's funny ... only we "non-medical" sorts have hangups about being on our periods. Hospital personnel are SOOO used to dealing with this normal bodily function ... it's as normal to them as urine, bowel movements, etc. I wasn't on my period during my RNY surgery (thank God) but have been on my period during other hospital stays, and the nurses discreetly helped me keep clean and comfortable, even though I was feeling sick as a dog. Also, I had an angiogram once (where they stick a catheter into an artery in your groin and keep pushing it until it hits your brain!) while I was on my period. Embarrassing for me, but routine for them. They just wiped me off a little as they worked kept a pad under me. No big deal! Definitely NOT a reason to cancel your surgery.
   — Terissa R.

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