I had RNY surgery 7/15 and I still have an incision hole that drains and we have to

pack it every night. It is about 4 centimeters deep. It does not seem to be healing and it has been there for 4 weeks. Did anyone else have problem with an incision hole in the stomach not healing? Any suggestions?    — Judy W. (posted on September 4, 2002)

September 4, 2002
My started out slow and then I started using Vitamin E on it. Take a Vitamin E capsule and cut open, squeeze fluid on wound, cover with band-aid. Do this for two days then just leave band-aid on, it should then scab over. (This works for most injuries)
   — Dana B.

September 4, 2002
Please know that I mean no disprespect to Dana, the previous poster, but you can't follow her advice. Her advice is fine for regular incisions that might just be a bit fussy about healing. However, if you are having to pack an incision that means your surgeon wants it to heal from the inside out. To have it scab over is exactly what you DON'T want. That would allow fluid to collect inside and it would just have to be reopened. I have to have a large portion of my open incision reopened and we packed it for 2 months. I had a staph infection. Others simply have a seroma or fluid collection. Either way, the fluid has to come out - that's why you're packing it and don't want it to scab over. Hang in there - it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks and occasionally a little longer for a wound like this to clear up. You'll make it. Luckily I had a wonderful husband who took care of mine. In the end it will all be worth it. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

September 4, 2002
I had surgery 7/18 and am in the same boat as you. It is frusterating, and the worst part is not knowing when it'll stop. It's so annoying, not to mention gauze is not's $3 for 10 pads...
   — MF

September 4, 2002
I had infection in 3 areas of my incision. I packed those areas for 7 weeks. My surgeon and PCP both stressed that the packing kept the incision intentionally open until the infection was completely gone. I remember being sooooo sick of taking care of the packing and dressings 4-6 times a day, and occasionally still having it leak through my clothing. And yes, the sterile dressings are expensive! It is not fun, but you will get through it. Just try to be patient. Unfortunately, not all of us heal at the same rate. Best Wishes.
   — Judith A.

September 4, 2002
I've been "packing" for 3 1/2 months and still have a ways to go! It's a DRAG!!!
   — Sandra B.

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