How many carbohydrates?

I have noticed many members saying they need to cut back on carbohydrates. How many should we be consumming? I am 2months post-op today and 51 lbs down.. It is getting hard to find food to eat with so many things we have to count.    — Angela A. (posted on June 22, 2002)

June 22, 2002
Hello You did not say which surgery you had so am going to assume that it was roux en y.....Your daily needs are 60 to 100 milligrams of protien, 30 or less grams of carbs..and at least 64 ounces of water...For optimum weight loss you should be doing between 600 to 800 calories a day...Always Always make sure you get your water, protien and keep carbs low very low this will keep you at you highest weight loss potential.....I hope this helps Oh and as one great surgeon always says WALK and then WALK some more........
   — BBD

June 22, 2002
I'm sorry, I have been told differently by my doctor. I was told 60 grams of protein a day and double that for carbs and half it for fat. So 60 protein - 120 carbs - 30 fat is acceptable. I have lost 41 pounds and I'm six weeks post-op (open RNY).
   — stacey L.

June 22, 2002
It should be 60-100 GRAMS of protein. I was told that the ratio should be 70% protein--- 20% carbs --- 10% fat. If you go to and chart what you eat a handy pie chart will show how you are doing that day. It sure helped me. Good luck
   — Robert L.

June 23, 2002
Ask you doctor...Ask you doctor...Ask you you can see from your answers every surgeon has a different answer (or his recommended dietician). My surgeon recommends NOT counting the numbers. He said eat protein first and foremost until your at goal. Don't count vegetables as carbs even though they are. After protein have some vegetable IF you have room for them. Try to avoid starchy veggies - as these are carb laden (corn, potatoes, carrots). Carby foods should be my last choice and only in very small amounts. If you stick to a 90% protein/veggie regimen you should be just fine but Ask you doctor...
   — [Deactivated Member]

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