No more Advil post op? Why not?

I read on here the other day that we're not supposed to take Advil ever again post op? How come? I took it right out of the hospital instead of getting my pain control prescription filled and when I told my surgeon at next follow-up visit, he was proud of me and didn't caution me about the dangers of taking advil. What will it do to the new pouch? Is it really bad to take? I never knew.........the surgeon or dietician never told me.    — Annie H. (posted on June 16, 2002)

June 16, 2002
It causes bleeding ulcers trust me my support group was talking about it. Don't take it unless you want an ulcer those are painfull. Stay with tylenol with codine works just as good.
   — sheri B.

June 17, 2002
My Dr told me advil was fine post op.
   — elifritz

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