Anyone with several severe endocrine/autoimmune problems ever get WLS?

Im having to get a pit tumor outruled--MRIS been delayed because of health problems but I may have found one. But I have to lose weight, I am getting very ill from the weight alone. I am diagnosed with hypothyroidism, severe form of PCOS-hyperadrenalism , and will make sure I get the pit tumor outruled before embarking on surgery. I have a family history of severe obesity and autoimmune problems-father had 3 autoimmune diseases including lupus. Thyroid and others run in the family. I have lost much of my hearing this November, and I have suffered severe infections. I have lymphedema, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma. I am a mess. I had a severe weight gain in the late 90s and once I was treated for some of my endocrine problems...I used to be 630lbs at peak---I lost 160lbs over three years but over this year have plateaued majorly and never been able to lose any more weight. (havent regained any thankfully) I think once I get some weight off Ill be able to keep it off because of how I gained it. I follow a food plan and have never overeaten.--When I had my 350lb weight gain in 95-97--I had severe symptons from the thyroid disease alone. Thats another question--if I dont overeat and stick to around 2000 calories a day---I have no binge eating problems and even eat all low fat and high protein--can WLS even help? Getting WLS will be VERY HIGH risk in my case. Id never though Id be asking these questions but my body is falling apart from weight (IM in the mid-400s but a lot is water--I wake up 6 inches thinner) Maybe my best bet is to see some major obesity researcher and speacialist. Maybe some here know one. I need help and lots of it!    — Sarah H. (posted on June 7, 2002)

June 7, 2002
Sarah: Thanks for being so honest about your issues and concerns. I have several autoimmune diseases (MS, thyroid problems, PCOS, etc.) and mom has Type II diabetes. I had WLS last year and have already lost 180 lbs. One thing I have really learned recently is that SUGAR is the culprit for many autoimmune diseases. Our bodies are "allergic" to refine sugars and processed foods, and we will gain weight (regardless of our caloric intake) unless we seriously watch the carbs. If I were you, I would try to get below 400 lbs. before you have surgery. I had it at 407 lbs., and it was a tough recovery.
   — Terissa R.

June 7, 2002
I am a PCOS poster child- in regards to weight gain without binge/overeating etc. After reading your post, I personally feel that this surgery would help you. I may never see a size 6, but my blood work tests all come back TERRIFIC. That is all that really matters, I suppose. I think a surgery of this kind may be risky (better at 400# than 630#- there are many that have surgery at 400#), but I feel it should positively affect your diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, PCOS-hyperadrenalism.
   — Karen R.

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