Why does my tailbone hurt all the time?

I'm 10 weeks post op had RNY, down 51 lbs. The only thing different in my life is the weight loss. Wandering if any of you are/had experience with tailbone hurting while sitting, is this possibly from loosing weight and body shifting, or because my spine curved before when I was bigger, my loss of inches is all over. Any info, very appreciated.    — Gwendalyn W. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
I had the same problem. I was having a check up and mentioned it to my Doctor and she checked and decided I was constipated. I've been taking a stool softener and the pain has disappeared. You might try it.
   — Mare G.

May 6, 2002
Congrats on the weight loss!! The main reason why your tailbone is hurting all the time is because with the rapid weight loss, the fat we loose does not have a change to catch up. So needless to say, is that you may have lost your butt first (I know I did) and now sitting hurts all the time because my butt goes numb and my tailbone gets sore. Eventually after you hit goal, all the rest of the body will redistribute the fat to the appropriate area(s) we may need. (Tina Torrey, 60" distal RNY 08/28/01 -88 lbs gone forever!)
   — trtorrey

May 6, 2002
No more cushion in the tushion! 21 months out and mine still hurts sometimes. But I never had a real big butt to start out.
   — Jeannet

May 6, 2002
I feel your pain - literally. Three months out and almost eight inches off my hips. Sometimes lying on my side at night, I get sore and have to shift!. I was telling a friend about it and described it like this: You know when you have your nails wrapped, or tips on them for a very long time...maybe a year? And then you take the nails off and your fingertips hurt so much even to lightly touch something? It's because they've been so unexposed, that they've become super-sensitive. That's how my hips (and your tushy) sometimes feel. :)
   — PaulaM

May 6, 2002
God, am I glad to see I'm not the only one! I've lost 163 lbs in 7.5 months and I thought it had to do with when I broke my tailbone appx. 8 years ago (skiing accident), which I'm sure may be part of it. I constantly have to change positions, and I'm always in quite a bit of pain because of it. Although it hurt for a good year after I broke my tailbone, it really didn't bother me when I was at my heaviest...I guess it was the cushioning! Plus, my knees always hit and rub against each other when I lay on my side...that's sort of annoying too! But, hey, that's just the price we pay to be thin! :o)
   — Kristin R.

May 6, 2002
Boy does my tailbone hurt too. I am 9 weeks out and down 62 lbs. My wife went through the same thing when she was drastically loosing weight. She is now 1 yr out and doesn't bother her. Our Dr. said it was from weight shifting and putting pressure differently than what you are used to because of that.
   — Dell H.

May 6, 2002
Mine hurts too. I think it's from the weight loss. There's a LOT less of a cushion. I can't even lay on the floor on my back to do exercises without it hurting my tailbone.
   — Patty H.

May 11, 2002
I had the same problem.. What you need to do is to become a fidget while sitting. Don't sit in the same position for any length of time. better yet, only sit for a few minutes at a time. Take frequent stretching breaks.
   — Ken G.

October 28, 2002
I had surgery about 7 weeks ago. My tailbone bothered me immedaitely after surgery and is just now going away. My surgeon told me a lot of patients experience this pain, tailbone soreness and numbness, even numbness in the front and rear thighs. He explained that during surgery your laid out on the tiny steel table and a lot of pressure from your stomach while opened up, "the weight" is being put on your tailbone. He said the pain should subside after about 75-100lbs is lost. Good luck and congratulations.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 18, 2006
This is an EXCELLENT website with lots of information on this problem:
   — [Deactivated Member]

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